Bodyline Products International AX-0100 instruction manual If your shaver requires service

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3.After cleaning, reset the inner blade to the driving shaft while taking care not to touch it, and the, turn the outer blade case clockwise slowly to close it.

If your shaver requires service

Call Axis at 1-877-263-9500.

To assist us in serving you, please have the model number and date of purchase for your shaver avail- able.

AXIS / Bodyline Products International, Inc.

1-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY AXIS / Bodyline Products International, Inc. (BPI) warrants that your product, except as noted below, is on the date of purchase free from defect in material and workmanship for a period of one year. In the event of a defect in material or workmanship, AXIS / BPI will repair or replace this product with new parts, free of charge as follows:

1.The warranty is extended only to the original purchaser. A purchase receipt or other proof of date of the original purchase is required for service and parts replacement under this warranty.



Image 8 Bodyline Products International AX-0100 instruction manual If your shaver requires service
Contents Point Model AX-0100 Congratulations Your skin Other PrecautionsIf you suffer from rashes or acne, avoid using the trimmer Parts of Your Trimmer HOW to Insert the Battery Battery compartment CoverBattery Life CloseHOW to USE Remove the cap and slide the power switch to onCare and Maintanence Washing in waterTurn the outer blade case clockwise to close the body case Cleaning with the brushOpen Close If your shaver requires service This warranty only covers failures due to defects That is attributable to acts of God Félicitations Instructions DE Sécurité ImportantesAvertissement AU Tres Précautions Pièces DE Votre TondeuseMent de la pile comme indiqué dans l’illustration OuvrirFermer Autonomie de la pile Comment L’UTILISEREntretien ET Maintenance Tondeuse pour protéger la lame externeNettoyage à l’eau Ouvrir FermerService de réparation Nettoyage avec la brosseAxis Point 34 Francais Axis Point 35 Francais Limites et exclusions Fabrique en Chine Instrucciones Importantes DE Seguridad PeligroAdvertencia Precauciones AdicionalesPiezas DE SU Recortador TimientoTapa InterruptorVida útil de la pila Cómo Insertar LA PilaAbrir Del Modo DE Empleo Recortarse los pelosCuidado Y Mantenimiento Para lavar la afeitadora con aguaLave la cuchilla con agua fría o tibia CompletamenteLimpieza con el cepillo Si su afeitadora necesita servicioAxis Point 54 Espanol Axis Point 55 Espanol Axis Point 56 Espanol Axis Point 57 Espanol Axis Point 58 Espanol Axis Point 59 Espanol AXIS/Bodyline Products International, Inc N. Brandon Drive