Screens & Keypad Parameters:
Click on Parameters
Click on Screens & Keypad
A)Backlight Activation, brightens the display screen between the start and end times set. When installed in a bright area, you may want to adjust the time so that it is off during daylight hours.
B)Scroll Display Speed, adjusts the scrolling speed when using the arrow keys to scroll through the names.
C)Checking the Resident alphanumerical
Checking the Speed dialing box enables the speed dial feature, allowing visitors to dial tenants by either their apartment number or personal number.
Checking the Direct dialing via* box allows a visitor to dial a tenant by pressing the * followed by the tenant’s phone number.
D)Screen Resets allows you to adjust the time before the screen resets back to the default screen. (min 2, max 10 sec)
Click on Parameters
Click on Messages
B)Message 4, corresponds to the activation of Relay 1 and 2. It can either be a voice message, a single beep, or a beep for the duration of the relay
C)Message 10 has 3 options: Off, On, and
BResponse Off. On allows the message “Call from Door Panel” to be heard at the phone receiving the call and at the panel. Response Off only plays the message at the phone, not at the panel.
D)Message Volume on Speaker controls the
Cvolume heard at the panel. Beep Volume controls the volume of any beeps heard at the panel. Message Volume on Line controls the volume
Dheard by the phone. Checking the Keypad Button Beeps box allows the panel to emit a beep every time a button is pressed.
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