Oregon Scientific RAR188A-BK user manual 1..,.ilir,f,,1.,i-r, 11ii1i.t11,-+,tffi, TcoN+

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Tosearchfor the sensor,pressand holdCHANNELand MEMat the sametimefor 2 seconds.

NOTE lf thesensorisstillnotfound,checkthebatteries,obstruc- tions,and remoteunitlocation.

Cleanthe productwith a slightlydamp clothand alcohol-free mild detergentAvoid. droppingthe productor ptacingit in a high{raffic tocaton


Call949-608-2848in the US.

For internationalenquiries,pleasevisit:

NOTE Signalsfrom householddevicessuchas doorbells,elec- tronicgaragedoors,and homesecuritysystemsmay causetempo- raryreceptionfailureThis.is normalanddoesnotaffectgeneralpfod- uctperformanceThe. receptionwillresumeoncetheinterferenceends.

Ttsr productshowsthecurrenttimeandday of weektn Englsh, Getr ma.. ltaan,Frenchand Spanish.

[4anuallyset the clockfollowingthe "SetClock"instructions(betow)

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1 . PressandholdMODEfor2seconds .TheClockAreawitbink .

2. Selectthehour,minute,year,month.day,andweekdaylanguage.

Press or V to changethe settlng.PressMODEto confrm.


NOTE The Languagesettingsare (E) Engtish,(D) cerman, (F) French,(l) ltalianand (S) Spanjsh.

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PressMODEto togglebetweenClockwith Secondsand Clockwith Weekday.

Thisproductis equippedwitha 2-minutecrescendoalarm.

TheAlarmTimeandOn / Offstatuswillshowin the Calendar/ Alarm


Press ((.))againfor the secondalarmtimeand status.

- .. : . ,l

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1Press(( . ))

2Pressand hold((.))againfor 2 secondsThe. Alarmsettingswill bi nk .

3Selectthe hourand minute.Press or V to changesettings. Press((.))to confirm.


To set second alarm performstep 1 twice, then perform

steps2 and3.



. t,.:t.r:t "



Thisproductis designedto giveyouyearsof seruiceif handledprop- erly.Obseruethe followingguidelines:

. Never;mmersethe productin water Thiscan causeelectricalshockanddamagethe product.

'Do not subjectthe mainunitto extremeforce,


shock,or fluctuationsin tempefatureor humidity.

Do noi tamperwiththe internalcomponents.


Do not mix newandold batteriesor batteriesof



Do not use rechargeablebatterieswiththis



Removethe batterlesif storingthisprod!ctfor a


longperiodof time .

Do not scratchthe LCDdisplay.

Do not makeany changesor modificaiionsto this productUnautho. - nzedchangesmay voidyour rightto use the productThe. technical specficationof this pfoducland contentsof this userguideare sub- ject to changewithoutnotice lmagesnotdrawnto scae.

Check here before contacting our customer seryice department





Strange date / month

Change language

C ock




Shows"LLL"or "HHH"






Cannot locate remole













:1,, . r+ .


5 . 9x 3 . 2x 1 . 9inches


(150x 82 x 47 mm)



6.6 ounces('188grams)withbattery


3 . 6x2 . 4x . 79 inches


(92x 60 x 20 mm)



2.22ounces(63 gfams)withoutbattery

This devicecomplieswith Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operationis subjectto thefollowingtwo conditions:

(1)Thisdevicemay notcauseharmfulinterference,and

(2)Thisdevicemustacceptanv interferencereceived,includingin- terferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.

'5ffiffit Changesor modificationsto this unit not expresslyap- provedby the partyresponsiblefor compliancecouldvoidthe user's authorityto operatetheequipment.

tAtf]H: fnis equipmenthas been tested and found to complywith the limitsfor a ClassB digitaldevice,pursuantto Part15 of the FCC Rules.These limitsare designedto providereasonableprotection againstharmfulinterference a residentjalinstallation.

Thisequipmentgenerates,usesand can radiateradiofrequencyen- ergyand,if notinstalledandusedin accordancewiththeinstructions. may causeharmfulintederenceto radiocommunicationsHowever,. thereis no guaranteethat interferencewill not occurin a particular installationIfthis.equipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferenceto radio or televisionreception,whichcan bedeterminedby turningtheequip- ment off and on, the user is encouragedto try to correctthe interfer- enceby oneor moreof thefollowingmeasures:


Reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna.


lncreasethe separationbetweenthe equipmentand receiver.


Connectthe equipmentintoan outleton a circuitdifferentfrom


that to which the receiveris connected.

Consultthe dealeror an experiencedradio/ TV technicianfor


nerp .

The followinginformationis not to be usedas contactfor supportor sales.Pleasecallourcustomerseruicenumber(listedon ourwebsite at ww.oreoonscientific.com),or on the warrantycardfor this prod- uct)for all inquiriesinstead.






19861SW 95thPlace,Tualatin,





FaxNo . :


PressAL ON / OFFto activate,deactivateandtogglebetweenaiarm settings. (Alarmsymbolwith #1 or #2) showsin Catendar/ Alarm Areawhenalarm(s)are activated

Thisproductcan displaythefollowingtemperatureinformaton:

. Current,minimumand maximumreadings

'Trendlinefor remotesensor

Datais collectedby the remotesensorand displayedevery40 sec- onds .

Slidethe'C/'FswitchintothedesiredlocationThe. switchis located on the back of the product.

Unrt Indoorrange


Resolution Memory

RF frequency Range

Transmission Channelno .


:r:i:,'a''. :i,r-i.l:ri




'Cor "F 23'Fto 122'F (-5"Cto 50'c)


G30'Cto 60"c) 0 . 2"F(0 . 1"C) l\4in/ l\,4ax

433 lVHz

98feet(30 meters) with no obstructions every40 seconds

declarethat the product




Address:BlockC,9/E KaiserEstate, Phase1,41lvlanYueSt., HungHom,Kowloon, HongKong

is in conformitywith Part l 5 of the FCC Rules. Operationis subjectto thefollowingtwo conditions:

1) Thisdevicemay notcauseharmfulinterference.

2)Thisdevicemustacceptany interferencereceived,includingin- terferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.

PressMEM to togglebetweencurrent,maximum(NilAX)and mini- mum(l\,41N)recordsforthe indoorreadingandtheselectedsensorTo cJearboththeindoorthermometerandsensorrecords,pressandhold MEMfor 2 seconds.

A beepwillsoundto confirmthatthe memoryhas beencleared.

The trendlineiSShownnextto the Temncrarrrrara2^ind





C ock dispay






5languages(E,F,D, l, S)



N.4ainunitbatteries 2 x UM-3(AA)1.5V


Sensorbatteries 2 x UN/-4(AAA) 1.5V


The RESET buttonsare locatedin the batterycompartmentsfor the mainunitand sensor.PressRESETwhen you changethe batteries andwheneverperformanceis notbehavingas expected(forexample, unableto establishradiofrequencylinkwithremotesensor).

:ilQffH' When you press RESET,all settingswill returnto default value,andyou willloseall storedinformation.

Visitourwebsite(M.oreoonscientific.com)to learnmoreaboutOr- egon Scientificproductssuch as digital cameras;[,4p3players; children'selectroniclearningproductsandgames,projectionclocks; healthandfitnessgear;weatherstations;and digitaland conference phones.The websitealso includescontactinformationfor our cus- tomercaredepartmentin caseyou needto reachus, as wellas fre- quentlyaskedquestionsand customerdownloads.

We hopeyou will find all the informationyou need on our website, howeverif you'dliketo contactthe OregonScientificCustomerCare departmentdirectly,pleasevisit:

C €

O2005 OregonScientific.All rightsreserved P/N.:086-003794-014

Image 2
Contents Reset Lltlilr+ffiTcoN+ 1..,.ilir,f,,1.,i-r11ii1i.t11,-+,tffi

RAR188A-BK specifications

The Oregon Scientific RAR188A-BK is a versatile and innovative weather station designed to provide accurate weather information tailored for personal use. This device combines advanced technology with user-friendly features, making it an essential tool for weather enthusiasts, outdoor adventurers, and home users alike.

One of the standout features of the RAR188A-BK is its robust indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity monitoring capabilities. The device employs precise sensors that provide real-time data, ensuring users stay informed about the environmental conditions surrounding them. The ability to monitor both indoor and outdoor climates helps users make informed decisions, whether planning a picnic, a hike, or simply managing indoor comfort.

The RAR188A-BK also comes equipped with a radio-controlled clock, which ensures accurate timekeeping without the need for manual adjustments. This is particularly helpful for users in regions where daylight saving time changes occur, as the device automatically updates itself. The large, easy-to-read display shows not only the time but also the date and various weather indicators, providing a comprehensive overview at a glance.

Additionally, the weather station features a weather forecast function that utilizes a built-in barometer. This technology analyzes air pressure trends to predict upcoming weather conditions, allowing users to prepare for changes well in advance. The forecast is displayed through intuitive icons that represent sunny, cloudy, rainy, or snowy weather, making it simple for anyone to understand.

The Oregon Scientific RAR188A-BK is also designed with convenience in mind. It can be easily wall-mounted or placed on a table, adapting to any living space or outdoor setting. Its sleek black finish integrates seamlessly with various decors, while its rugged construction ensures durability over time.

Moreover, the device is powered by batteries, eliminating the need for cumbersome power cords and allowing for flexible placement. This portability makes it easy for users to take it along on camping trips or vacations, ensuring they have reliable weather information wherever they go.

In summary, the Oregon Scientific RAR188A-BK offers a compelling blend of advanced weather monitoring technology, user-friendly features, and attractive design. Its ability to provide accurate temperature, humidity monitoring, automated timekeeping, and weather forecasting makes it an invaluable asset for those who value staying informed about their environment.