Maverick Ventures food thermometer Buttons, Transmitter Features, Stand Removable, Lcd, Rmoro

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Transmitter Features

R E I \ 4 O TTER A N S M I T T E R

STAND (Removable

I t l a v e r i c kIn d u s t r i e sI,n c .E d i s o nN J

I t l a d ei n C h i n a







P a t e n tP e n d i n g


STAND - Swings out and allows you to standreceiveron tabletop. BATTERY COMPARTMENT - holds 2 AAA battelies.

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)- displaystemperatureof sensorI and sensor Sl - plug in for stainlesssteelprobe sensorI

52 - plug in for stainlesssteelprobe sensor2


I . TX - transmit manually, terminates the auto registration process.Pressand hold for 2 secondsto register the radio frequency with the receiver 2. ON/OFF - on normal operation with full function. Off turns transmitter off.




1.REMOTE * indicatesthe sensoris remote. Blinks during registration.

2.SENSOR - indicates the sensor.Blinks during registration.

3.I - indicatessensorI is selected.

4.2 - indicatessensor2 is selected.

5.O - indicates the auto scroll function is on.

6.MEAT - indicates meat selected.

7.BOX AROUND TASTE - indicatestastelevel selected.

8.ALERT - indicates the temperaturealert is on. Blinks when probe temperatureis above set temperature.

9.PROBE TEMP - indicates the temperatureof the sensorselected.

10.TOWER - blinks when receiving signal from transmitter.

11.SET TEMP - indicates the set temperatureof table A, B or specific temperatureset by user.

12.A - indicates table A is being used. Table A is USDA temperatureranges.

13.B - indicates table B is being used.Table B defaults to USDA temperaturerangesbut can be modified to desired temperatures 14.CLOCK - indicatesclock is displayed.

15.TIMER - indicatestimer is displayed. 16.T1 - indicatestimer 1 is in use. l'7.T2- indicatestimer 2 is in use.

Image 2
Contents ButtonsRear Direct PluginButtonsFront Stand Removable Transmitter FeaturesButtons LCDDisplaytemperatureof remoteprobesensor1 & 2 andautoscroll ManualregistrationLimited Ninety DAY Warranty Procedure for typical use on an outdoor grillCleaning