Your Radio Shack
This CB is perfect for recreational, business, or emergency use. You can call other people who have CBs at home, in their vehicles, or at camp sites. You can also connect optional equipment to your CB, such as an external PA speaker, or a DC power supply and base station antenna to set up a base station in your home.
Your CB has these features:
Two Ceramic Filters — provide su- perior selectivity and prevent adja-
Hysteresis Squelch Circuit — compensates for fading signals and eliminates signal chopping during re- ception.
Automatic Noise Limiting (ANL) Circuit — reduces noise caused by nearby electrical equipment such as motors or automotive ignition sys- tems.
DOWN/UP Channel Selector — provides maximum convenience when selecting channels.
LED Display — lets you easily see the selected channel number.
Universal Mounting Bracket— lets you mount your CB securely in your vehicle or on a table or shelf in your home.
Note: To use this CB, you need a mobile or base station antenna. Your local Radio Shack store has a wide variety of antennas. For more infor- mation, see “Installing an Antenna.”
For your records, we urge you to record your CB’s serial number in the space below. The serial number is on the CB’s back panel.
Serial Number_________________
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