Telex CM300, RM300 user manual Description, Users are talking eonf&g

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The Model CM3W is a console mount, t w h l intercom user station. The Model RMUX) is a rack mnmt, two-chmd intmom user station. The user station is designed to he used in a full duplex, wafermce line intercom system.

Confereuce Line IntMcom Svstem (Figure 1-1)

A conf- line intercom sysIem allows a group of people to talk and listrn on a single chaaael. On this

c ~ , a l l u s e r s a n l i s t r n w h e ~ a n r e o r m m o t b s r

users are talking (eonf&g).

Up to 75 usns csn

share the same dermc8 line (or confcrma bus).

On the Model CM300/Rhi3w, a latching switch or momentary pushbutton tums the microphone on.

The mommtary push hutton allows quick bursts of communication, especially useful in a high noise mvi- ronmmt. Ihe latched position allows 'hpnds fne' op

do n , when the llscr aeuls to have two way conversation while paformiDga n o k activity.

The Channel Select Switch

A chmnel sdector switch allows a choice of two (optionally three) ch.nnels. Whm the switch is on the 'I'


"2' position, channel 2, and m on. On larger systems the '1' position may be any system channel (1 through 12 for example). Similarly, for position "2'. See Section 2.1 for DC powering rsqoinmeats under these conditions.



Call Li& PushButtog (CM3WL/RM3WL, only)

Full duplex @on

allows two way conversation at

Pushing this button transmits a mll signal to all other units

t h e ~ t i m e , t h a t i s , o n e u s e r ~ ~ t a s s o n ond the chmnel selected by the c b l selector switch. A all signal on this &amel will cause the all light push buttontotlash. ~ & p s h r a t e i s 2 t o 5 t i m D s a p e c o m d .

The CM3W/RM3W, with a hedset, intcrhces a hurmn The allsignal itaclf is a 20 kilohertz signal.

usertotheinintaoomsystem. Tbeusertdksandlirtms using the head& (or a hmdsst). The headset umnects to

umnector ( o p t b d l y five or six pin). The CM3W/RM3W uneeds to the systsm using a t h e conductor

"mi-type cable. me CM3w/RM3w wataiU6 four ~011tmIs:the volum anmoll,the latching microphone switch, the momntary microphone switch, md the chanael select switch. On the Model CM3W/RM300L, the momentary microphone switch is replaced with the all tight button.

Volume Control

The volum wntrol on the CM3WlRM3W has a wide range to canpensote for: user he&$ differences, ambi- ent noise variation, variations in headse4 I haadset d- tivity. and variations in voice. The volume watrol in the CM3W/RM3W mhtcea distortion by driving the headphone amplifier oaly as much asneeded.

In n o d system opention, one a nrole users talk and the othm listen. A microphone switch on each station allows the talker's microphone to he mabled and allows the listmas to keep their microphones disabled. In this condition, speech intelligibility is euhanced since backgmund noise from other microphones is not present.

The CM3MYRMUK) .ad CM3WLRM3WL use the CC33 card ere# u idhated bclow. Codcl at the cad of each pngnph iadiatc thc cud d.Codcl ue: *CC33 u r d , **CW card. MCC(5 cud. (CC33 sehemtic i SD1464, CCWCC45

.ohcrmticis SD1427).

-DL:Dual Littcn on two channclr. The volume wntml is ~ t o a d u a l ~ t r i c p o t c n t i o m c t a w i t h t w o k n o h sThe. 0h.nnclrelcctmachmutatheWLugunl. Thcouuidekmb

f o l h thc duancl selector. The Mi knob i the non-talk,listm only 0b.naCl.

-E:Rognm I n p , w.D c h line loop(hrough, the hkncedpmgrunufedmmatud. Pinr2Md3uethcinput

wnncUionr. A dual W& ptentiomcta with two knobs

pmvidu rcp.ntclevel controls for intercom md pmgnm.

-3CII: T h e C i i m d opmtion. Line and LoopUvough connecton ue changed to 4-pinfmm 3-pin. A 3-position dunnd seka mach rcpkes ihc 2-position witch.

-USMB: UnSwitched Micmphonc output, Balanced. Deldeo linc boplhrough. L e d -7dBmto +3dBm. . Thc USMB pmvidu Ilinc level microphone signal to other systems such u m lntenupted Feuihack System (IFB), telephone, radiotelephone. or Stage Announa.

-LP: Loul Paver munu. A small moduk wnvem AC line power to low voltage to power the urer station. a .cparatc connector is provided. The unit docs not use power Cmm the intercom line.

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Contents Rtstm Proprietary Notice CM3001RMUWBlock Disgram Description Users are talking eonf&gFymiii Using two win able. P o r n is Suppliedbyabatteryoraloulpowgsupply.~ C M H K l l R M 3 0 0 c m b e ~ e d i n a l t h r e e ~ StpuatefromtheaudiodsuppliedcmtnllyTheluorstltiontodnwmncwrrntfromthepower Their weight, padding and dssignLowilqdmceandcanbetlnneduploud Theimpdwxhasalargerefhxtwith~tdaybeulsttsWirsri?rcddsrrninssthe~opwrtingdist.nCc Ths CM300URM300L with 25 ohm~ t o ~ t ~ i n t o & e q u i p m m t s u e b a s TV amsns yet high amugh to minimirs extendWiring Diagnm at back of mmd T h e I W I n ~ s y s t e m d ~ s l u r o s c o m m mAnd~elillgsbidddninwinswithcircuitrchunwirrs I a g ~ u s a ~ o n s w i l h t h r e e ~ m d t h l mP i d Openting Envircammts Blaring RdioAuto on Highway Muimum AUomb1.3Fmnt Panel, Model CMUO/RM300 User Station CARBonMICrophooc CALLplshbottonA c u b o n m i ~ s m u l . t s t y p e b s p d p e t AS1409 B Assembly Diagram, P.C.B. CCW45Layout Sectim 7 Diagrimsi DrawingsTM1786 Volt Battcry Opedon / Tckpmdoctim Systean Exampk SD14640D2993, Outline Drawing, CM3OO Page Cable Wiring D i ,T h Channel Systen Page Page Page Page21 Page Page Page Mraarrsra