Day Volume | • | High | The default setting for day hours is from |
| • | Medium | 6 AM to 9 PM. |
| • | Low |
| • | Off |
Night Volume | • | High | *Volume setting remains the same for day |
| • | Medium | and night hours. |
| • | Low | The default setting for night hours is from |
| • | Same as day* | |
| • | Off | 9 PM to 6 AM. |
Ringer Tone | Scroll through the list to | Plays when you receive a call from a number | |
| hear samples of each | not stored in your phonebook. | |
| available ring tone. |
| |
| You can download additional ring tones and |
| 20 ring tones are | purchase services from openLCR. | |
| provided. |
| |
| Five additional spaces | openLCR is a | |
| allow you to download | you to purchase additional ring tones, | |
| ring tones from | images, and other services. | |
| www.openLCR.com. |
SD7501/02 User Guide