Using the Corinex Softphone software
-If you cannot find your provider in the list, please select the Custom settings in the list and enter all information provided by your VoIP provider into all fields in the tabs Account and Connection. This includes authentication data (login, number and password), realm server which is used for authentication, SIP proxy addresses and STUN server.
Note: Some providers (e.g. Ecuity) require extra authentication information - the login field. In case your provider gave you a login, along with the number and password, please enter it into the login field. Otherwise, you can leave the field empty. If you use a predefined provider profile, it may happen that the login field is
Note: Please make sure that the Phone device setting under the Audio tab is set to the
4.2 Advanced configuration
This section covers the configuration of the Corinex Softphone software when a router is used for connection of the network to the Internet. The router must be configured to pass VoIP packets from the user’s computer to the Internet and back. There is a function in the router called Port Forwarding. You must set up this function to open the default VoIP ports 5060 and 8000 to be forwarded to the computer with Corinex Softphone.
Note: If there are more users in the network, using SIP software, they cannot use the same SIP and RTP ports for VoIP calls. If they use the same ports, the router will not be able to recognize users and the software won’t work properly. Please set up port forwarding for all users.