RS-232 Remote MAC Address, Configuration Security, Configuration Uart Configure

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Instruction Manual

Remote MAC Address:

Enabling this feature allows you to enter the Bluetooth MAC Address of the remote Bluetooth device (e.g.000272463b86) to which the Bluetooth to Serial Adapter will be linking. If it is disabled or MAC address is left empty, any remote Bluetooth device can pair with the Bluetooth to Serial Adapter. Once the necessary changes have been made, please click the Save button, followed by Yes and OK on the following screens respectively.

Please note: Be sure to click the Save button in each modification parameter, or settings will be lost.

Configuration: Security

Secure Connection (Default PIN = 1234). Disabling this function will allow other Bluetooth devices to connect with this Bluetooth to Serial Adapter without confirming a PIN code. If it is enabled, then you should enter a PIN code (length <=12 digits). By default this feature is enabled and the PIN code is 1234.

PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. Enter the PIN code, keeping it the same as the remote Bluetooth device, so the two devices can be paired together.

Once you have made your selection, please click on the Save button.

Configuration: UART Configure

Change UART parameters, Bluetooth to Serial Adapter will use them to connect with a RS-232 or RS-422/485 device later.

Baud Rate: 9600 ~ 460800 (Default 115200)

Stop Bit: One/Two (Default One)

Parity Bit: None/Odd/Even (Default None)

Following selection, please press the Save Button.

Please note : Maximum Baud Rate: 460.8 Kbps.


Image 7
Contents Serial to Bluetooth Adapter FCC Compliance Statement Table of Contents Before You Begin FeaturesContents IntroductionPairing with Windows XP SP2 embedded Bluetooth driver InstallationSlave State Default Configuration Role Master or Slave DefaultMaster state Configuration Uart Configure Configuration SecurityRemote MAC Address More Detail on Initial Baud Rate Setting Configuration Adapter NameRemote Setup Page Highlight Uart Configure Configuring the Adapter following Remote SetupApplication Configuration Adapter Name Default Serial AdapterHighlight Local Device Name Start Program Accessories Communications Hyper Terminal While in Data mode, automatic link can not be established TroubleshootingGarbage code is being received Specifications AccessoriesLimitation of Liability Technical Support Warranty InformationAbout