2Call the person who is already participating in a separate conference call.
3When the person answers, click Conference. Participants of both conference calls can now speak to each other.
Ending Calls
When you are finished talking to a caller, click End on GloPhone, or press ESC on your keyboard to end the call.
Redialing Missed and Recent Calls
You can view a list of missed and recent calls in the status display window and redial those numbers with the click of a button.
Missed and recent calls stay in GloPhone memory until you exit GloPhone.
Notice in the status display window, there are two arrows and a phone icon.
Use these missed an
Figure 11.GloPhone Display Screen
1Click the up or down arrows to display a call type:
•Enter Redial Calls
•Enter Missed Calls
8Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
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