Downloading Skins
You can download the skins from our web site.
If you have more than one GloPhone number, when you change the skin, it changes for all GloPhone account numbers.
To download a skin:
1Type www.skins.glophone in your internet browser’s Address line and press ENTER.
2Click Download Now next to the skin you want. The skin downloads and installs itself automatically.
GloPhone then closes and reopens, and you will see the new skin.
If you have more than one GloPhone number, select the account phone number you want to use and click Login.
Returning to the Default Skin
You may want to return your phone to the way it looked when you first downloaded GloPhone.
To change back to the default skin:
1Type www.skins.glophone in your internet browser’s Address line and press ENTER.
2Select GloPhone Skins from the Quick Links
3Click Download Now next to the picture of the default skin. The skin downloads and installs itself automatically.
GloPhone then closes and reopens, and you will see the new skin.
If you have more than one GloPhone, select the account phone number you want to use and click Login.
44 •• Chapter 5 - GloPhone SkinsGloPhone User Guide