If the audio volume at the intercom input is too high, the light will be illuminated when the person on the intercom is talking. De- crease the gain until the light does not illumi- nate while talking at normal volume. Occasional flashing of the light is allowable. See Figure 36.
Ext Intercom Aux Audio
Figure 36
Auxiliary Gain controls
If the audio volume at the auxiliary input, is too high, the Aux light will be illuminated when the person on the auxiliary is talking. Decrease the auxiliary gain until the auxiliary light does not illuminate while talking at nor- mal volume. Occasional flashing of the auxil- iary light is allowable. The auxiliary indicator has three states: OFF, HALF BRIGHT, and FULL BRIGHT. When the switch is ”OUT”, the indicator is OFF. When the switch is “IN” it becomes HALF BRIGHT, and when the in- put is overmodulated it becomes FULL BRIGHT.
Now that you have successfully “set up” your RadioCom Wireless Intercom System and turned on any auxiliary equipment you are ready to test the overall performance by “Walking” the RadioCom system through the areas in which you will be using it.
Before you begin your
Set microphone gain in both the
Check that the
Portable units to be used are en- abled at the Base.
The “system
Poor antenna location
Wrong antenna for receiver and/or trans- mitter.
RF “Trouble Spots”
Operating distance beyond system capability.
Old or used batteries in the
Under normal conditions the Portable Trans- mit On lights on the
In 99% of all instances you will set up your RadioCom Wireless Intercom System, walk it through and achieve