Your CoPilot LivePocket PC Includes:
Install CD (1) and Data CD (1)
Quick Start Guide
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Cigarette lighter charger
Desktop PC Requirements
Microsoft Windows 2000, ME, or XP 400 MHz processor or better
128 MB of RAM and a hard drive with at least 225 MB of available disk space
Microsoft ActiveSync version 3.1 or later
Pocket PC Requirements
With Map Data on Storage Card
Pocket PC running Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile 2003 (first or second edition)
Storage Card recommended (minimum 32MB, 64MB recommended)
Third Party GPS Requirements
Standard NMEA GPS receiver* including:
CF GPS receivers
Cabled GPS receivers
Wireless Bluetooth GPS receivers
*For information on purchasing a GPS receiver from ALK Technologies, go to:
North America: www.alk.com
Europe: www.alk.eu.com
Welcome to CoPilot!
Imagine…a CoPilot at your side that always knows where you are, where you’re going, and exactly how to get there. Now confidently drive anywhere while CoPilot, using the latest, most accurate GPS technology, shows you all the correct turns to take to reach your destination.
Better yet, if you should miss a turn, encounter heavy traffic, or simply decide to go a different way, CoPilot’s dynamic directions automatically provide you with an updated route
to your destination. Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel as CoPilot’s unique voice technology speaks the directions to you. In addition, detailed street maps show your passengers the current street location and the route to your destination.
About GPS Technology
The Global Positioning System (GPS), developed by the U.S. Department of Defense, is a constellation of 24 satellites that orbit the Earth twice daily. Each satellite contains an atomic clock that is accurate to the nanosecond and constantly emits radio waves toward Earth. GPS sensors (hardware devices for receiving data) can receive these signals from the satellites and, using their own internal clock, can calculate the amount of time it has taken for the signal to be received. GPS relies on the fact that radio waves travel at the speed of light to calculate distances, and the exact location of the sensor is figured by combining the data received from four satellites.
Using the data from these four satellites, GPS is able to give you the latitude, longitude and elevation of your present location, and also your road speed and direction of travel on a route. Given the right conditions, a GPS sensor can identify your geographic position anywhere in the world within a few meters.
How CoPilot Uses GPS
CoPilot uses the GPS positional data that it receives from your hardware unit to display your current position on a map as you drive. This is called “tracking”. CoPilot also uses the GPS data it receives to guide you along a planned route if you enter a destination on your Pocket PC. CoPilot guides you with audible prompts and on- screen directions as you drive.
GPS Accuracy
The GPS signal CoPilot receives from the constellation of satellites has a rated accuracy of within 5 - 10 meters. This means that 95% of the time the reported
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