Panasonic KX-T1000 manual Others, AccessoryOrder Information, LmportantInformation

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olf there is any trouble,disconnectthe unit from the telephoneline and connecta known working phone. lf the known working phone operatesproperly,have your Panasonic phone repairedby one of the specified PanasonicFactoryService Centers.lf the known working telephonedoes not operate properly,consult with a telephonecompany.

.Do not use benzine,thinner,or similar solvents.Do nol use abrasivepowder to clean the cabinet. Wipe it with a soft cloth.

.Keep the unit away from heating appliancesand electricalnoise generatingdevices such as fluorescentlamps, motors and television.These noise sources can interfere with the performanceof the unit.

oThe unit and the cassettetape should be kept free of dust, moisturehigh temperature and vibration,and should not be exposed to direct sunlighl.

.Never atlempt to insertwires, pins, etc. into the vents or other holes of this unit.

AccessoryOrder Information

.Replacement parts and accessoriesare availablethrough your local authorizedparts distributor.

oFor the authorizeddistributorsin your area, call toll free: 1-8o0-447-47oo

Parl No.




Micro Cassette TaPe




It requestedby the TelephoneCompany, inform them as follows:

.FCC RegistrationNo.

(loundon the bottomof the unit)

.Ringer Equivalence


.The particulartelephoneline to which the equipmentis connected.

In the event terminalequrpmenlcauses harm to the telephonenetwork,the telephone company should notify the customer,if possible,that service may be stopped. However,where prior notice is impractical,the company may temporarilycease service providingthat they:

(a)Promptlynotify the cuslomer.

(b)Give the customeran opportunityto correct the problemwith their equipment.

(c)Inform the customerof the right to bring a complaintto the Federal Communication commission pursuantto proceduresset out in F.c.c.

Rules and RegulationsSubpart E of Part 68.

The TelephoneCompany may make changes in its communicationsfacilities,equipment, operalionsor procedures,where such action is reasonablyrequiredin the operationor its businessand is not inconsistentwith the rules and regulationsin F.C.C. Part 68.

lf such changes can be reasonablyexpectedto render any customerterminalequipment incompatiblewith telephonecompany communicationsfacilities,or require modification or alterationol such terminalequipment,or oterhwisemaleriallyaffect ils use or performance,lhe customershall be given adequatenotice in writing,to allow the customeran opportunityto maintainuninterruptedservice.

"This equipmenthas been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computingdevice in accordancewith the specificationsset forth in Subpart J of Part 15 of the F . C . C .Rules .

F F - F \


Dialthe telephonenumber with a tone tel€phone only

Pushyourcodenumber The unfi !

OGM. oacK

. To Back Space, push any one of the 3 digitsin your code number duringthe playback.

. To record lhe ICM from the beginning of lhe tape, Push any one of the 3 digitsin your code numberafter3 beeps.

r To save the lcM, hang up after playback.

rTo record a marker message, afler

YourCode No .-


lf the panel comes off,

replace it by pushing in parallel as shown.

- 1 1


lf this equipmentdoes cause interferenceto radio or televisionreceptionwhich can be determinedby turning the equipmenton and off, use the equipmentin another location and/or utilize an electricaloutlet differentfrom that use by the receiver."

Ringer Equivalence No. (REN):

The REN is useful in determiningthe quantity of devices you may connenctto your telephoneline and still have all of those devices ring when your telephoneline and still have all of those devices ring when your telephonenumber is called. In mosl, but not all areas, the sum of the REN'sof all devices connectedto one line should not exceed tive (5.0). To be certain ol the number of devices you may connect to your llne, as determinedby the REN, you should contact your local telephonecompany to determine the maximum REN tor your calling area.



- 1 2

Image 7
Contents Automatictelephone Answeringsystem ContentsConnection Cassettetape InstallationLocationof the Controls PreparationRecordingthe Callersmessages SettingPrior to LeavingRecordingthe OGM CheckingyourogmPlayingback Messages How to Operatefrom a RemotePhoneListeningto the RecordedMessages Remotecode NumberSavingthe Recordedmessages Other FeaturesSettingthe Answermode When the Unit is OFF Recordinga MessagememoGrabacion DEL Mensaje DE Salida MaintenanceTroubleshootingGuide CassetteTapeOthers AccessoryOrder InformationLmportantInformation