Feature Descriptions(contd.)
I Call Transfer to Extension | I LineAccess,Autonutic |
TransfcrsincomingCOor extcnsion | AllowsyoutosclcctanavailableCO |
callsto anotherextcnsion(scrccncdor | linc automatically. |
unscrecned). |
I Call Waiting
Informsyouwith threebeepsthatthere is a callwaiting.
I Conference
Allows youto makea
IDo Not Disturb (DND) Theextcnsionwill notreccive
iextensionor COcalls.
IDo Not Disturb (DND) Override* Allowsyouto callanextcnsionevsn thoughDoNot Disturbisset.
tLineAccesgCO LineGroup (Trunk Group)
Allowseachextensiontoselectan.idle COlinewithinthcdcsisnatcdCOLine Group.
AllowsyouLosclcctthcdcsiredCO lincwithoutdialingthelineaccess code.
I MessageWaiting Allowsyouto lcavea messagefor anothcrextensionThc.message waitinglampgivesa visualindication thata mcssagchasbcenrcccivcd.
IExecutiveBusy Override
-CO Line
Allowsyouto enlcrintoancxisting COcallor to adda thirdpartyto your existingconversation.
- Extension* Allowsyoutioentcrintoanexisting exlcnsionconversal.ion.
IExternal Feature Access Allowsyoulo accessspecialfunctions (e.g.CallWaiting)offercdbya PBX, Centrexor thecentraloffice.
I Intercom Calling
Allows you!o makea call o another extension.
I Paging Providcsanannounccrncnt(page),
- A t l
- External
. Pagcthroughall thecxtcrnalpagers simultaneously.
. Pagingto a specificextcrnalpager.
- Group
. Pageto all groups(allextensions) simultaneously.
. Pagcto a particulargroupof
IPagingand Transfer Allowsyouto transfer callto the pagcdperson.