Operating Instructiolls (contd.)
Whilelaving a conversatbn;
. Presslt6Nt']bu[on.
. Dial the third partv'snumber
. Talktothethirdparty.
. PressIcoxp Ibunon.
tDo Not Disturb(DND)
. PressTwDDNDlbu$on.
. DialE.
-Confirmationtoneis audible.
. PressI FfrbDNDl buil.on.
. DialE .
-Confirmationtoneis audible.
IDo Not Disturb (DND) Override Whileluaring DND tone;
. Press button. lb"erl(S2)
IExecutiveBusy Override - CO Line
. PresstheredfEol bu[on.
-Extension Whena line is busy;
. Presslb"iil (s2)buuon.
IExternal FeatureAccess Whilelwvinga conversation;
. Prcsslnt'nltszlburron.
. Dialthccodefor tlrcdcsircdscrvice.
I Full | nr |
Changea CO button to function as an
SeeStarionProgramming (page20).
. Pressa I(co),IREDIAT lbneSouctr
orIsaVE (co)buuon.
I MessageWaiting
Whenthe called extensionis busy or does not atlswer;
. PressIvttiSsncElbuuon.
-Confirnntionloneis audible.
. DialFotil+l eitensionnum5eil.
-Confirmationtoneis audible.
Selectinga messagefrom the messages waiting
. PrcsstMIttisAGElbuftonrcpeatcdly until thcdcsiredmessagesender appcarson thcdisplay.
Respondingto a message
- l5-