VOLUME ON/OFF turns power to the radio on and off, and controls the volume of both the
SQUELCH eliminates background noise when the radio is not receiving a signal and controls the sensitivity of the scan function.
CHANNEL selects the channel to use for transmission and reception in the current frequency band (selected with the USA/INT and WX buttons). Turning the knob to the right advances through the channels in ascending order, and turning it to the left selects channels in descending order. Note that some channels have a specific purpose; be sure to see the “Table of Marine Channels” that appears later in this manual.
SCAN scans all channels for signals in the selected frequency band. Pressing SCAN causes the radio to begin scanning from the lowest channel, and to lock in on the first channel for which a signal is detected. When a signal is no longer present on that channel, scanning resumes. There are several ways to channel scan: Press the scan BUTTON again, press the microphone button once, or turn the CHANNEL knob. Scanning is also cancelled if you press the CH 16 button.
DUAL enables the “dual watch” function, which lets you monitor Channel 16 while receiving on any other channel. The radio switches immediately to Channel 16 of the