Cisco Systems 1.1 manual Specifying the URL to Show on the Html Content Plane

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Chapter 2 Using DMPDM

Selecting the Content to Show

Table 2-11 GUI Elements on the Transparency Page




Browser Alpha Channel Note

Although this setting might look identical to a setting described in the “Adjusting


Embedded Browser Settings” section on page 2-4, they are different. You use this setting to


configure transparency for the HTML content plane.

The amount of transparency that you configure for all content that your DMP shows on the HTML plane. The HTML plane and the video plane can overlap and you will see the video content plane through the HTML content pane if both of the following are true:

You show video content and HTML content simultaneously.

The HTML content plane touches any of the same x-axis and y-axis coordinates that the video content plane touches.

Values can range from 0 to 255, where:

0 — The HTML content plane is completely hidden and only the video content plane is visible.

128 — The HTML plane overlays the video plane and content is equally visible on both planes.

255 — The video content plane is completely hidden and only the HTML content plane is visible.

Note If the HTML content plane contains a graphic that is already partially transparent in its own right (so that, for example, its rounded edges look smooth against the background color), that kind of transparency pertains only to interaction between that graphic and other objects on the same plane. If you then change the Browser Transparency value to 255, for example, that does not mean you will be able to see the video plane through the partially transparent graphic on the HTML content plane; in that case, the video plane is still completely hidden, as expected.

Specifying the URL to Show on the HTML Content Plane

You can load a web page or other content on the HTML content plane.

Step 1 In the Display Actions list, click URL to be Displayed.

Step 2 Enter or edit the HTTP URL, as described in Table 2-12, then click Go.

Step 3 (Optional) To stop showing the specified content, do one of the following:

Click .

Enter an HTTP URL that points to different content, then click Go.

The HTTP URL that you enter persists until you use this procedure again to enter a different URL or until the next time that you restart your DMP. You cannot save the URL entry so that it persists after a restart.


User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Player Device Manager 1.1



Image 32
Contents User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Player Device Manager Americas HeadquartersPage N T E N T S Supported Fonts Document Conventions ConventionPreface Introduction Environmental Tolerances and Safety Guidelines Environmental Characteristics Tolerance Ranges and LevelsGeneral Precautions Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge Understanding DMP Modes of Operation Supported Attributes for Digital VideoLimited Support for MPEG-4 Supported Attributes for Digital AudioSupported Filetypes in the Embedded Browser Understanding the Difference Between ‘Apply’ and ‘Save’Stage-Two Failover Understanding Content Substitution FailoverStage-One Failover Click Apply Basic DMS Concepts and Vocabulary OL-13985-01 Using One-Click Options for a DMP Display Viewing the Assigned DMP IP AddressConfiguring Settings Viewing Video Content in Full-Screen ModeViewing Html Content in Full-Screen Mode Adjusting Basic Network SettingsElement Description Udp//ipaddressofmulticastserver/portnumberAdjusting Embedded Browser Settings Select DMP Display Attributes Adjusting DMP Display Attributes Settings Understanding Content Substitution Failover,Example Settings PalbgElement RGB RBG GRB GBR BRG BGREnabling or Disabling Centralized Management GUI Elements on the Centralized Management Enabling or Disabling Types of Access to Your DMP Managing Permissions for Internal Storage Management,Selecting the Content to Show Showing or Stopping Video Content from an Http URL URLAdjusting the Transparency of the Html Content Plane Specifying the URL to Show on the Html Content Plane Supported Fonts Supported X11 Bitmap Fonts, Supported TrueType Fonts,Slant Pixel Size Point Size Resolution Resolution Y SpacingFoundry ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghij Name FilenameEditing the Dmpdm User Account Using Administrative OptionsEditing the DMP Service ftp User Account Saving Settings That You Configured Restoring Factory Default SettingsBefore You Begin Restarting Your DMPUpgrading the DMP Firmware Field Description Common Scenarios for Using DmpdmShowing Content Files That Are Stored on the SD Card Showing Content Files That Are Stored on a USB Flash Drive Viewing the Cisco UDI for the DMP Model That You Use