Instruction Manual MP3 F850 Player/FM Tuner
Step 3: Press to select the desired bit rate.
1, According to the different of MPEG mode you selected, the choice of bit rate will be different.
If you selected
If you selected
If you selected
2.The higher the value selected, the better the recording effect. SILENCE SETTING
Step 1: Press to enter the menu selection.
Step 2: Press to select the “SILENCE” option.
Step 3: Press to select the option
1.There are three options to choose from: LOW (default ), MID, HIGH .
2.The operation influences the result of VAD. The higher the level you select, the higher
the sensitivity will be. SYNCHRONIZING SETTING
Step 1: Press to enter the menu selection.
Step 2: Press to select the “SYN
SETTING” option.
Step 3: Press to select the option.
1, There are two options to choose from: ON (default)/ OFF
1、When the synchronizing setting is ON, the system will automatically go to the next file if it can’t detect an audio signal.
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