Instruction Manual MP3 F850 Player/FM Tuner
Step 2: Press to select the
“INDEX “ option.
Press to play the song normally.
1.11 LYRIC
Step 1: Press to enter the menu selection.
Step 2: Press to select the
“LYRIC “ option.
To show lyrics :
1, Please create an " *.lrc" lyrics file
2, Identically name the song and lyrics file; 3, Save these files in the same folder ;
4, Turn on the “lyrics show” function to see the lyrics..
Step 1: Press to enter the menu selection.
Step 2: Press to SELECT the “DELETE” option.
Note: This operation will delete the current song.
1.13 MARK A-B
The Mark
1.13.1 START
While playing music, Press to start THE MARK
Step 1: While playing music, Press for the first time to confirm point A.
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