You will need Windows Media Player
9.0 or upper and Microsoft DirectX 9.0 or upper to use the Cinema program.
19. Troubleshooting
The MP3 players program can fail due to external influences or electrostatic overload. In this case, the MP3 player has to be programmed again with the firmware, the operating system of the mp3 player. You will find the firmware either on the CD shipped with the product or at the download Area.
Formatting the MP3 player
To format the MP3 player using Windows use the FAT data system only. In case you have used NTFS or FAT32 by accident, the MP3 player does not start anymore. In this case you have to format the memory of your MP3 player again using the file system FAT.
How do I get the Mp3 files to the player?
Open up My Computer. Select the
How can I create MP3 files?
Therefore you need a program that is able to create MP3 les.You can download such a program for free at www.nextar.com
You can also download the Mango program at the download area of NEXTAR at www.nextar.com . For further information and guidance, please take a look at Digital Audio/Video Guide.
I find strange signs on my display, when I play music.
Not all MP3 players are able to show German umlauts. You should try to refreain from using German umlauts in file names and in ID3 Tag or characters of other