wise the application cannot find the corresponding file.
In the main menu, select “music” option, and press►ll to enter the music’s
•Now playing: List the song that was last played and highlights it. If no file was played the previ- ous time, no file will be displayed.
•All music: Players listed in the directory of the
•Artist: Artist list, select an artist, then it will dis- play a list of songs by this artist. Unknown Artist category will store songs which the artists could not be identified. Unknown Album and Unknown
Genre have the same feature.
•Album: Album list, select an album, the next screen dispays a list of songs for this album.
•Genre: genre list, select a genre, the next next screen dispays a list of songs of this genre.
•My music list: a total of five play lists, users can change these playlists according to their demand to classify songs.
•Dir listing:
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