Troubleshooting Tips
The player does not turn on when PLAY button pressed.
•Batteries may be inserted incorrectly.
•Batteries may be empty.
Skipping tracks or bad sound quality?
•Repeat, random or program function may be activated.
•There may be strong magnetic fields (e.g. too close to TV) near the unit.
•Low Battery level. Replace with new ones.
Cannot perform playback?
•LOCK function may be activated.
•There may be no MP3 tracks in the card or internal memory.
•Memory Card may be damaged.
USB display does not appear when connected to computer.
•Check connection between your unit and the computer. (Refer to Software Instruction Manual)
•Check if USB drivers are properly installed (Refer to Software Instruction Manual)
The player does not respond to key operations?
•Turn the player off by removing the batteries. Reinsert the batteries properly and turn the player on again to resume normal operations.
Lyra Helpline
More help is available on
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Ihr Kontakt zu THOMSON: 0180 1000 390, ab 16.10.2000. (für Deutschland, Kosten zum Ortstarif)
You can contact THOMSON by dialling: 0845 601 3093, from16 October 2000 (For
Para contactar con THOMSON marque: 901 900 410, a partir del 16.10.2000 (las llamadas serán cargadas al precio de la tarifa local)
Il vostro contatto THOMSON: 8488 10 168, dal 16.10.2000
(tariffa chiamata urbana)
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Przez Thomson Consumer
Electronics Poland