Lyrics Sync
This feature displays the lyrics of a song (if available) simultaneously during music playback.
Note: For Lyrics Sync to work, an “.LRC” file with the exact same file name as its corresponding .MP3 song must be transferred to the MP330 in the same folder as the MP3 file.
Ex: If the MP3 file is
1.Use /
to select “Lyrics Sync” and press
2.Use /
to switch between “Enable” or “Disable” and press
. If lyrics are disabled, the album, artist, and song title information will be displayed during music playback.
Sleep Timer
This function sets a time delay to automatically
1.Use /
to select “Sleep Timer” and press
2.Use /
to select a Sleep delay time and press
. You can choose from “Disable” , “15 min”, “30 min”, or “60 min”. When the selected time is reached, the MP330 will
automatically power off.
Auto Power Off
This function sets a time delay to automatically
1.Use /
to select “Auto Power Off” and press