Ⅰ | 11. Menu Table |
Voice Recorder Mode
Menu Mode Erase Rpt V.Act Backlit
| A |
| B |
| C |
| D |
| E |
MENU Key Select with Cancel with
Move with
Move to higher menu with
Mode MP3 FM VR
MP3 : Switch to MP3 Mode
FM : Switch to FM Radio Mode
VR : Switch to Voice Recording Mode
Erase All 1 2 3 4 v d
All : Delete all data in iAUDIO
1,2,3,4 Album : Delete tracks in album 1, 2, 3, or 4.
v : Delete tracks in voice album (voice recording album)
d : Delete all data files except for MP3, MP2 , and SC4 files.
Rpt Nor One All
Nor : Play all tracks in order and stop after completing.
One : Repeat selected track.
All : Play all tracks in order and repeat.
V.Act Voice Act = 0
Set Voice Active value.
What is Voice Active?
When there is no input sound while recording, the player automatically pauses, and when a sound is inputted again, the player automatically releases its pause state and starts recording again.
This feature allows memory conservation. Voice Act = 0 : No pausing while recording
Voice Act = 5 : Pause when level meter remains under 5 for 2 seconds.
While pausing, if a sound that exceeds 5 levels is inputted, pause is released and the player starts recording again. The level can be set according to the recording environment.
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