10 software installation for PC and Mac users
about your software installation cd rom
the following software installation is included on your
–bonus audio management software to transfer files
–Upgrader and Formatter applications (please see respective chapters)
–USB drivers (for Windows 98 users only)
to get the most from your psa player, please read the product manual carefully before you use your psa.
software installation
1turn on your computer.
2insert the psa cd rom into your cd rom drive.
3follow the screen instructions to install the Upgrader and Formatter applications and necessary drivers*
for PC users only: psa128max or psa256max InstallShield Wizard
for Mac users only: Nike Installer
*IMPORTANT! for Windows 98 users only
in addition to the 2 software applications Mass Storage Device drivers are necessary. without the drivers, your PC will be unable to recognize your psa and transfer files. normally, the drivers are automatically installed when you follow the above steps