DWirelessly stream music from a PC
You can wirelessly stream music to the NP1100 from a connected PC, if you install Windows Media Player 11 on the PC and configure the PC to share your music. (If Windows Media Player 11 is already installed on the PC, you can skip the installation section and continue with the configuration.)
Install Windows Media Player 11
1On the PC, insert the supplied software CD.
•Installation starts.
•If installation does not start, click on the Windows Media Player 11 icon in your Explorer program.
2Follow the instructions on the PC to install Windows Media Player 11.
Configure a PC to share music
This chapter shows you how to configure the PC to share music with the NP1100.
1Follow the instructions to install Windows Media Player 11.
2On the PC, click Start > Programs > Windows Media Player.
3In the Windows Media Player interface, click on the Library
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