Heat Controller, Inc. | Room Air Conditioner with | Owner’s Manual |
Topreventinjurytotheuserorotherpeopleandpropertyfollowingdamage,instructionsthef llowingmustinstructionsbe mustbe.followedIncorrect.Incooperationrectoperadue toionignoringduetoinstructionsgnoringofinstrumay causetionsmharmycauseor damageh rm.or
Thedamageseriousness. Theseriousneis classifiedsisclassifiedby the followingbythefollowingindicationsindications. .
! | WARNING | Thissymbolindicatesthepossibilityofdeathorseriousinjury. |
! | CAUTION | Thissymbolindicatesthepossibilityofinjuryordamagetoproperty. |
! PlugPlugininpowerpowerplugcord properlyplug properly.
Do not open the unit |
| ! | Always ensure |
during operation |
| effective grounding |
•Otherwise,itmaycauseelectric shockshockorfireduetoexcessheat generation.
!Do not modify power cord length or share
!Dothenotoutletmodifywithpowerothercord lengthappliancesorshare. theoutlet withotherappliances.
•ItItmaycauseelectricshockor firefireduetoheatgeneration.
•Itmaycauseelectricshockorfire duetoheatgeneration.
Do not operate or stop the unit by inserting or pulling out the power
Donotoperatewithwet handsplugorindamp environment.
•Itmayayccauseelectrictishock.or fire due to heat generation
Ifelectricthepowershock ordisdamaged,it mustbereplacedbythemanufac- tureroranauthorisedservice
!Unplug the unit if strange sounds,
odors or smoke comes from it.
•ThisIt maycouldcausedamagefire andyourelectrichealthshock.
!AlwaysDo notensureoperateeffectivewith earthingwet hands. or in a
damp environment
• Itelectrimay causeshockelectric. shock
! Unplugtheunitifstrange
! Unplug the unit if
strange sounds, odors or smoke comes from it.
• !It Keepmay causefir armsfire andawayelectric. shock
Do not use the power cord close to heating appliances
•orIt mayelectriccauseshockfire and. electric shock
Donotusethesocketifitis loose! Alwaysordamagedinstall circuit.
breaker and a dedicated power circuit
• Incorrect installation may cause
Dofirenotandelectricusetheshockpowercord closetoheatingappliances.
Do not allow water to run in to electric parts
•fireIt mayandcauseelectricfailureshockof. machine or electric shock
Do not use the socket if it is loose or damaged
•It may cause fire and electric shock
Donotusethepowercordnear flammablegasorcombustibles,such
| Do not use a damaged or unspecified power cord |
| Do not use the power |
| |||
| Itmaycausefire. | Itmaycausefireandelectric |
| cord near flammable gas |
| ||
| • It may cause electric shock or fire | shock. |
| or combustiblies, such |
| |
| • If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or an |
| ||||
| !authorizedVentilateserivceroomcenterbeforeor aoperatingqualified personair in order | to | avoid a hazard |
| as gasoline, benzene, |
| |
| thinner, etc. |
| |
| conditionerifthereisagasleakagefrom |
| ||
| Do not disassemble or modify unit. |
| • It may cause an explosion or fire |
| |
| anotherappliance. |
| |
| • It Itmaycausefailureexplosion,and electricfi shock |
| Itmaycausefailureandelectricshock. |
| |||
| eand,burns. |