Bluetooth icon is displayed on the top of the screen.
»»AS170 beeps twice.
3 If necessary, tap on the top of the widget to rename or change the icon of AS170.
•Tap AS170 and input the new name.
•Tap the check box to change the icon of your device.
AS170 Remove
4 Play audio on your Android device.
»»The audio comes out through the docking system.
Next-time launch
1 Next time you switch on AS170,the docking system connects to the last paired device automatically.
•If two or three paired devices are switched on, tap AS170 on your Android device to pair.
»»After a successful connection, a different Bluetooth icon is displayed on the top of the screen and AS170 beeps twice.
2 Play audio on your Android device.
»»The audio comes out through the docking system.
Remove AS170 from Home screen
1 Tapon the top of the widget.
»»A list of Available Philips BT devices is displayed.
2 Select AS170.
3 Tap Remove.
AS170 Remove
Disconnect a device
To disconnect a Bluetooth device,
•Press SOURCE/SET to select another source.
•Deactivate Bluetooth function on your device; or
•Move it beyond the communication range.
EN 11