KH2214_2215_2216_IB_UK 12.07.2006 16:21 Uhr Seite 10
KH 2214 / 2215 / 2216
12. Cleaning and Care
Warning: Danger of electrical shocks.
•Pull the plug out of the socket before cleaning.
•Never open the casing of the device. There are no operating controls inside.
➪Clean the instrument only with a soft, dry piece of cloth.
➪Do not use any cleansing agents or solvents. They can damage the plastic surfaces.
13. Disposal
Do not dispose of the device in normal dome- stic waste.
Dispose of the device over a regi- stered waste disposal firm or through your communal waste di- sposal facility.
Observe the currently valid regula- tions. In case of doubt, consult your waste disposal facility.
Battery disposal!
Batteries may not be disposed of with normal domestic waste. All consumers are statutorily obliged to dispose of batteries at the col- lection point in their community/ district or with the original sup- plier.
The purpose of this obligation is to ensure that batteries can be dispo- sed of in an environmentally- friendly manner.
Only dispose of batteries when they are fully discharged.
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