File Transfer (in depth)
Supported file types
Only these file format will be recognized on the Player.
Music: MP3, WMA, OGG, APE, FLAC, WAV and AAC audio formats.
Video: AVI, WMV, RM, RMVB, 3GP, MPG, and MOV video formats.
Photo: JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF and PNG image formats.
EBook: TXT
No software is required.
An easy way to understand this process is to think of the Player as a place to store files, much like an USB memory stick.
The steps are as follow
For Window:
1.Connect the Player to the computer.
2.Wait for the computer to detect and recognize the Player.
3.Open the “Removable Disk” drive from My Computer (or Computer).
4.Open a folder containing files that are stored in the system.
6.Unplug the Player from the computer.
For Mac:
Open the folder containing files that are stored in the system and drag them to the “NO NAME” drive.
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