7. Now move the mouse pointer off at an angle, in the new direction needed to follow the irregular terrain. You'll see that the active corridor border box now rotates around the last anchor point you set. This lets you move off in any direction, with the new segment of the corridor attached to the previous segments. Click to set your third anchor point.
8. Continue to click and add additional segments to your corridor until you reach your destination or have enclosed the desired area.
9. Click the right mouse button to stop drawing the corridor map. To close the map borders command,
click the CENTER MASTER MAP button.
Finished corridor map.
•If you need to start over, you can erase a corridor border box. Click the CREATE MAP BORDERS button, then move the pencil point over one of the small handle boxes that appear along the centerline of the corridor.
If you're satisfied with this map and want to finish processing it for use in your GPS unit, go on to the next lesson on "Saving a Map Border File."
Saving a Map Border File
Before you make your custom map, you must name and save your Map Border File. Here's how: (Refer as needed to the Toolbar figure on page 30.)
1.Click the SAVE MAP BORDERS button. The Save As dialog box appears.