Downsizing MP3 (PC)
2X MP3 is needed when there is not enough memory space to save more songs.
1 | Before copying, click the |
button. |
2 | First, select minimum sound quality you |
want to hear. Displayed minimum file |
size depends on selected value.
If selected value is bigger than remaining memory, convertible maximum file size is displayed only.
3 | Move | scroll | bar with mouse to | 4 | After converted to 2X MP3, files are |
adjust the | file size. Current | copied to yepp. | |||
| file | size is displayed at center. |
| 2X MP3 can’t be saved on PC. |
NN oo tt ee :: | File types that can be converted to 2X MP3: |
| Normal formatted MP3 that has sampling frequency of 22.05KHz or 44.1KHz |
66 | (WMA and SM3 can’t be converted to 2X MP3) | 67 |
2X MP3 is not available on Mac. |