You can check the location and date/time of major world cities based on their respective time zone.
Before you start - First, you should set the clock for the current time. See page 33 Set the time zone you want in the <Settings> <Time> <Time Zone>.
1.Tap the icon on the main menu screen.
The <Prime Pack> list appears.
2.Select <World Clock> and tap on it.
The <World Clock> screen appears.
3.Tap the [
] icon to select a time zone.
You can view the date/time of the city you select.
Prime Pack |
Texts |
Alarm |
Calendar |
World Clock |
You can check local time of the following time zone. (‘/’ indicates the standard time zone in the region)
Cape Verde / London, Lisbon / Rome, Paris / Athens, Helsinki / Moscow, Riyadh / Abu Dhabi, Muskat / Tashkent, Ashgabat / Alma Ata, Kathmandu / Bangkok, Jakarta / Hong Kong, Beijing / Seoul, Tokyo / Guam, Sydney / Okhotsk / Wellingtons, Oakland / Samoa, Midway / Honolulu, Hawaii / Alyeska / Los Angeles, Seattle /
Denver, Phoenix / Chicago, Mexico City / New York, Miami, / Caracas, Santiago / Buenos Aires, Brasilia / The middle Atlantic
88 _ enjoying the prime pack