Koss 76 manual Future HIGH-RES Discs

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s we write this (and probably

and therefore more data density. Making

The industry got badly burned with


as you read this), the format

Blu-Ray discs will require retooling

the DVD, whose CSS encryption was


battle for the next silver audio/

factories, but that is of course only a

supposed to make copying impossible.


video disc is still on. Yes, it will

transitional drawback.

Breaking CSS turned out to be trivial,

affect audio as well as video.


and there are plenty of shareware

Let’s recapitulate.


and even freeware programs

On one side are


for defeating it. Hol-

Toshiba, NEC, and —


lywood doesn’t want

perhaps more impor-


t hat to happen

tant — the DVD Forum,


with a much better

the consortium that set


resolution disc. Are

the standard for the existing


the anti-copying

DVD. Their project is HD


systems of HD DVD and

DVD, the “HD” of course


Blu-Ray done? And will they really be

standing for “high definition.”

As in a shooting

more robust? We believe they are not

It is read with a blue laser, which

war, the two camps have scrambled

finalized, and if that is true no usable

has a shorter wavelength than the red

to gather allies. Toshiba has powerful

player can truly be launched.

laser used in existing DVD and CD

partners, such as Microsoft and Intel,

We might add that it seems unlikely a

players. In other respects the disc itself is

and more importantly Hollywood

more robust anti-copy system can resist

similar to the existing DVD, and can be

studios: Warner, Universal and Disney.

reverse engineering. That’s because

produced in existing plants (though pre-

The Blu-Ray camp has the support of

anyone who makes a player needs to have

sumably with a lower yield of flaw-free

Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Apple, as

the keys. Someone is going to forget the

discs). The advantages of this DVD-like

well as Sony Pictures (of course), MGM

key on a store counter somewhere. Lest

format are obvious. The discs will be

(which belongs to Sony) and 20th Cen-

we forget, that was how CSS first got

cheaper to produce and the saving can

tury Fox.


be passed on to consumers (hey, we’re

The first Blu-Ray player was due

Come to think of it, are the studios

just reporting the official line). And the

for launch about now too, and one was

ready to abandon DVD’s zone system,

system can be brought to market faster.

shown by Samsung at the Montreal show

which prevents discs from one part of

Target launch: Fall of 2005.

in late March, but it has been…(surprise!)

the world from being played in another?

Wait a minute…2005?

delayed (to May 23rd, but keep your eyes

Of course that system was compromised

In fact Toshiba’s first HD DVD

open for more news). If and when they

years ago, but is Hollywood ready to go

player, the HD-XA1 (shown at lower

are released, Blu-Ray players will be

with worldwide release of a single disc?

right), was launched on March 31, 2006,

about double the price of the Toshiba

Or is this one more thing that needs to

and only in Japan. Its eventual US

player. Take those prices with a grain of

be straightened out before the first player

price was listed as $799 (the HD-A1,

salt, however, because with no available

is sold to the public?

announced earlier, which was supposed

software neither player will be available

Though the studios have chosen

to be cheaper, was not mentioned). The

for sale in any store.

sides, no one is interested in making

price is mostly theoretical, since at


films for a player no one buys…nor

launch time there was not a single film


in having productions absent from a

available in the format. So much for


system that becomes popular. Beyond

coming to market faster. It did, however,


the posturing, the studios are hedging

beat its competitor to market.

Movie studio support

their bets. They will release films for

The competitor is Blu-Ray, backed

whichever is the winning system. And

by Sony and Matsushita (Panasonic),

On the face of it, having the studios

the winner will be decided by large store

but not the DVD Forum. The Blu-Ray

on side is vital, because only they can

chains, not by consumers.

disc also uses a blue laser, as its name

supply software. But if it’s possible for

What about audiophiles?

implies, but its structure is different.

the studios to help, it’s just as possible

The polycarbonate layer covering data

that they can choose to stop the devel-

Whichever system wins out, the

side of the disc is ten times thinner than

opment of tomorrow’s discs dead in its

vast space on the disc might make it

that of the DVD, allowing a better view


possible to make more space for sound.


Image 52
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76 specifications

The Koss 76 headphones are a notable addition to the world of audio technology, designed to offer listeners an immersive sound experience combined with comfort and convenience. Known for their exceptional sound quality, the Koss 76 headphones utilize a range of innovative features that set them apart in the competitive market of personal audio devices.

One of the standout features of the Koss 76 is its open-back design, which allows sound to travel freely in and out of the earcups. This design not only adds a sense of spaciousness to the audio but also contributes to a more natural listening experience. Users appreciate the open-back headphones for their ability to create a wide soundstage, making them ideal for critical listening and enjoying nuanced details in music, dialogue, and sound effects.

Another key characteristic of the Koss 76 is its lightweight build, which is crucial for long listening sessions. Weighing in at just a few ounces, these headphones provide ease of use without compromising on sturdiness. The plush ear cushions ensure that users remain comfortable, even after hours of wear, making them suitable for both casual listening and more extended use during activities such as gaming or working from home.

In terms of sound performance, the Koss 76 headphones boast a rich dynamic range, producing clear highs, well-defined mids, and deep bass. This balanced sound signature ensures that all types of music, from classical to contemporary pop, can be enjoyed as the artists intended. The inclusion of high-quality drivers further enhances clarity and reduces distortion, making the Koss 76 a great choice for audiophiles looking for quality on a budget.

Moreover, Koss has integrated a durable cable into the design of the 76 headphones, featuring a convenient 3.5mm audio jack that is compatible with a wide array of devices including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. The cord length is optimized to provide flexibility without tangling, allowing for hassle-free movement while listening.

In summary, the Koss 76 headphones exemplify a successful fusion of comfort, functionality, and superior sound quality. Their open-back design, lightweight construction, and well-balanced audio make them a compelling choice for anyone seeking an engaging and enjoyable listening experience. Whether for casual enjoyment or critical listening, the Koss 76 stands out as a reliable option in modern audio equipment.