Menu Reference
[File] menu
New |
| |
| Playlist: | Creates | a | new | Playlist |
| |||
| Playlist | Folder: | Creates | a new | Playlist | Folder | ||||
Open |
| |
Opens | the | “Open | File” | dialog box |
| ||||
In | this | dialog | box, | you | can | import | the selected | |||
audio | files | to | OpenMG |
| Jukebox |
| |||
import | All |
| |
Opens | the | “Import | All” | wizard |
| ||||
In | this | wizard, | you | can | simultaneously | import | ||||
all | of | the audio | files | in | the | selected | drive | to the | ||
Plavlist | of | OoenMG |
| Jukebox |
| ||||
Exit |
| |
Ouits | OoenMG | Jukebox |
[Edit] menu
Copies the currently selected item to the cliuboard
Inserts the contents of the clipboard
Deletes the currently selected items Check All
Checks all of the check boxes shown on the CD window
Clear All Checks
Clears all of the check boxes shown on the CD window
Select All
Chooses all of the items in the list shown on the current window
Move Up
Moves the currently selected item one line up
Move Down
Moves the currently selected item one line down
Divides the selected song into two
Combines the selected multiple songs into one.
Makes the name of the selected item editable
Displays the “Keyword Search” dialog box You can search for tracks and Playlists using
keywords, such as title, album, artist, or genre names
Create Shortcut
Creates a shortcut icon for the currently selected Playlist or song on the Windows Desktop If you
Jukebox launches automatically and starts olavback
Displays/edits the information about the
currentlv selected item
[View] menu
CD Screen
Displays the CD window
Import Screen
Displays the Import window
Playlist Screen
Displays the Playlist window
Displays the
Device/Media Screen
Displays the Device/Media window
Internet Screen
Displays the Internet window
Cover Art/Analyzer display area Switches Cover Art and Analvzer view
Time Display Mode
Switches the mode between “Progress” and “Remain” disnlaved on the Time Disolav indicator in &e <layback Control are: ’
Opens/Closes the Tutorial window
Cover Art/Lyrics Information
Displays the information of the Playlist or the song, such as cover images and lyrics
Simple Mode
Switches to Simole mode Refresh
Updates the displayed contents with the latest information