NextBase SDV37-SQ manual Discstructure

Page 12

Types of Discs PlayableonthisPlayer




D V D s a r e d i v i d e d i n u n i t s c a l l e d t i t l e s , w h i c h a r e f u r t h e r d i v i d e d i n c h a p t e r s . T h e y a l s o i n c l u d e m e n u s c r e e n s t h a t d o n o t b e l o n g t o a n y t i t l e . W i t h m o v i e s , n o r m a l l y o n e m o v i e c o r r e s p o n d s t o o n e t i t l e . O n k a r a o k e d i s c s , o n e s o n g c o r r e s p o n d s t o

o n e t i t l e . S o m e d i s c s a r e n o t d i v i d e d i n t h i s w a y , h o w e v e r , s o b e c a r e f u l w h e n u s i n g thesearchandprogrammingfunctions.


C h a p t e r 1

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C h a p t e r 2

C h a p t e r 1

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Image 12
Contents Page Page Precautions LaserPrecautions Precautions TableOfContents Setup Theplayer Placeofinstallation DonotmovetheplayerduringplaybackTransportingtheplayer SpecialnoteregardinguseofplayerinvehiclesWhenusingwithcarpowercableincars CleaningtheplayerCopyrights PrecautionsforBatteryPackOperation ServicelifeanddisposalStorage Types of Discs PlayableonthisPlayer MarksindicatedonDVDsDiscstructure UsingTheseOperatingInstructions CheckingtheAccessories Remote ControlUnitandMainUnitPreparations Replacing the batteryRemotecontrolunitoperatingrange PartsandFunctions LiquidcrystaldisplayMainunitcontrolsection Mainunitleftside Mainunitrightpanel HoleforBatteryPack NutforBatteryPack Batteryconnector MainunitrearsideSupport HowtostandRemotecontrolunitfrequentlyusedbuttons Remotecontrolunitotherbuttons DCINconnector BatteryknobBatteryindicatorLED PlayerterminalsConnecting the PlayertoOtherDevices BeforeconnectingConnectingtoaTV Connecting the PlayertoOtherDevices Connecting the PlayertoOtherDevices Connectingtoactivespeakersystems Connectingearphone ToPHONEjackUsingtheBattery RechargingthebatterypackAttachingthebatterypacktotheplayer ACpoweroperation RemovingthebatterypackfromtheplayerTurningOnthePower KeeppressingtheONbutton onthemainunitforabout1.5 SecondsMainunitfrontpanel RemotecontrolunitHintPlayback Functions LoadingPressOPENbuttontoopen Playing LoadthediscPresstheplay/pausebutton HintPausingplayback D e o C DTodisplaythemenuscreen StoppingplaybackRemovingthedisc TurningOffthePower Whenthepowerison,pressOFFandholditforabout1.5SAdvancedFunctions SearchingforaspecificsceneViewinginslowmotionDVDsandvideoCDs RepeatingDVDs,videoCDsandCDsA n g i n g f r o m a V O U T t o a V I N Setup ThePlayer GeneralstepsofsetupSystemSetup TvsystemScreensaver Tvtype Password DefaultRating LanguageSetup OsdlanguageAudiolanguage Subtitlelanguage MenulanguageAudioSetup D I O O U TVideoSetup BrightnessContrast HUE SaturationDigitalSetup DigitalsetupHandling Cleaningdiscs Handling discsTrouble shooting