NextBase SDV37-SQ manual Whenusingwithcarpowercableincars, Cleaningtheplayer, Copyrights

Page 9

Cautions on UsingthisPlayer


P l e a s e t u r n o n t h e e n g i n e a n d t h e n c o n n e c t w i t h t h e c a r p o w e r c a b l e f o r u s i n g .


N o r m a l l y c l e a n t h e p l a y e r u s i n g a s o f t , d r y c l o t h . F o r t o u g h d i r t , a p p l y s o m e n e u t r a l d e t e r g e n t d i l u t e d i n 5 t o 6 p a r t s w a t e r t o a s o f t c l o t h , w r i n g o u t t h o r o u g h l y , w i p e o f f t h e d i r t , t h e n w i p e t h e p l a y e r w i t h a d r y c l o t h . N o t e t h a t a l c o h o l , t h i n n e r , b e n z e n e , insecticides,etc.,maycausethe p r i n t o r c o a t i n g t o p e e l o f f . A l s o a v o i d l e a v i n g

r u b b e r o r p l a s t i c p r o d u c t s i n c o n t a c t w i t h t h e p l a y e r f o r l o n g p e r i o d s o f t i m e , a s t h i s ma y d am a ge th e ca b i n e t . W h en u si ng c h em i c a l l y t re a t e d cl ot hs , r ea d t h e cl oth ' s

instructionscarefully.Alwaysunplugthepowercordfromthe poweroutletbefore c l e a n i n g theplayer.

To c l e a n d i r t o f f t h e l i q u i d c r y s t a l d i s p l a y , w i p e t h e d i s p l a y g e n t ly with a soft,dry

c l o t h ( s u c h a s a n e y e g l a s s c l e a n i n g c l o t h ) . N o t e t h a t l e a v i n g w a t e r d r o p l e t s on the display for l o n g p e r i o d s o f t i m e m a y r e s u l t i n d i s c o l o r a t i o n o r s t a i n s . F o r t o u g h d i r t , useacommerciallyavailableliquidcrystaldisplaycleaner.


Unauthorizedduplication,broadcast,publicperformanceorrentalofdiscsis prohibitedbylaw.

Image 9
Contents Page Page Laser PrecautionsPrecautions Precautions TableOfContents Setup Theplayer Donotmovetheplayerduringplayback PlaceofinstallationTransportingtheplayer SpecialnoteregardinguseofplayerinvehiclesWhenusingwithcarpowercableincars CleaningtheplayerCopyrights PrecautionsforBatteryPackOperation ServicelifeanddisposalStorage MarksindicatedonDVDs Types of Discs PlayableonthisPlayerDiscstructure UsingTheseOperatingInstructions CheckingtheAccessories Replacing the battery Remote ControlUnitandMainUnitPreparationsRemotecontrolunitoperatingrange PartsandFunctions LiquidcrystaldisplayMainunitcontrolsection Mainunitleftside Mainunitrightpanel Mainunitrearside HoleforBatteryPack NutforBatteryPack BatteryconnectorSupport HowtostandRemotecontrolunitfrequentlyusedbuttons Remotecontrolunitotherbuttons Batteryknob DCINconnectorBatteryindicatorLED PlayerterminalsConnecting the PlayertoOtherDevices BeforeconnectingConnectingtoaTV Connecting the PlayertoOtherDevices Connecting the PlayertoOtherDevices Connectingtoactivespeakersystems ToPHONEjack ConnectingearphoneRechargingthebatterypack UsingtheBatteryAttachingthebatterypacktotheplayer Removingthebatterypackfromtheplayer ACpoweroperationKeeppressingtheONbutton onthemainunitforabout1.5 Seconds TurningOnthePowerMainunitfrontpanel RemotecontrolunitHintPlayback Functions LoadingPressOPENbuttontoopen Loadthedisc PlayingPresstheplay/pausebutton HintD e o C D PausingplaybackTodisplaythemenuscreen StoppingplaybackRemovingthedisc Whenthepowerison,pressOFFandholditforabout1.5S TurningOffthePowerSearchingforaspecificscene AdvancedFunctionsViewinginslowmotionDVDsandvideoCDs RepeatingDVDs,videoCDsandCDsA n g i n g f r o m a V O U T t o a V I N Generalstepsofsetup Setup ThePlayerSystemSetup TvsystemScreensaver Tvtype Password DefaultRating LanguageSetup OsdlanguageAudiolanguage Menulanguage SubtitlelanguageD I O O U T AudioSetupVideoSetup BrightnessContrast Saturation HUEDigitalsetup DigitalSetupHandling discs Handling CleaningdiscsTrouble shooting