1.Microphone - The operational mode of the CB is controlled by the
talk switch on the mic. Pressthe switch to activate the transmitter and disable the | 9 | 13 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 3 | |
receiver. Release the switch to enable | the receiver and disable the transmitter. |
When transmitting, hold the micabout 2 inches fromyour mouth and speak clear- |
| |
ly in a normal voice. The mic included | with the PRO 81Oe is a detachable, Iow |
impedance, dynamic type. |
2.Mic Gain - Adjust the microphone sensitivity for crisp, clear audio transmis- sion.
3.CH 9
4.Illuminated S/RF Meter - An accurate analog meter displays the signal
strength of both the transmitter and receiver.
5.TX & RXLEDs - The TXLEDlights when transmitting and the RXLEDlights when receiving.
6.Channel Display - A large LEDdisplay shows the channel currently in use.
7.Channel Selector - An oversize channel knob makes it easy to select any of
the forty channels. This switch | selects the desired channel for transmission | and | 2 | 16 | 15 12 | 11 10 | 14 |
reception. All channels, except | channel 9, may be used for communications | be- |
tween stations operating under different license. Channel 9 has been reseNed by |
| Pro | 810e | Front | View | ||
the D.O.C for emergency communications. |
8.Clarifier - Used for fine tuning when operating in USBor LSBmodes.
9. | Hi Cut Switch - | The Hi Cut switch is used to remove high frequency hiss and |
| 17 |
| ||||||||||
other formsof noise from the receivedsignal. Pressthe HiCut switch to activate |
| |||||||||||||
this | feature. |
| |
10. | RF Gain - | This control | is used | to | adjust | signal reception in areas | where |
| |||||
strong signals are present. | Turn the | control fully clockwise for maximum recep- |
| ||||||||||
tion. |
| |
11. | Squelch | - | The Squelch control is used to eliminate background noise during |
| |||||||||
the | absence | of a transmission. | Turn the control fully counter clockwise, then |
| |||||||||
slowly rotate it back, clockwise until all noise disappears. At this setting any trans- |
| ||||||||||||
mission must be slightly stronger than the background noise to "Break Squelch" or |
| ||||||||||||
to be heard. Further clockwise rotation will increase the threshold at which a sig- |
| ||||||||||||
nal will be heard. You can select any level to "Break Squelch" |
| 20 | 19 |
| 21 |
| |||||||||||||
12. | Volume | with Power On/Off Control - | Turn the unit on and adjust the |
| ||||||||||||||
volume. |
| |
13. | NB/ ANL Key - Select the | Noise Blanker and Automatic Noise Limiter to |
| Pro | 810e | Rear | View |
| ||||||||||||
help reduce electrical noise or other interference. |
| |||||||||||
14. | AM/USB/LSB | Switch | - | Selects | either | Amplitude Modulation, | Upper |
| |||||
Sideband, | or Lower Sideband | for transmission | and reception. |
| 18. | AC Power | Cord - | Connect to any 240 V house | hold AC outlet. |
| ||||||||||||||
15. | PA Key - | Select the | Public Address mode if an external PA speaker | is con- |
| 19. | PA Speaker | - | An external 8 ohm | must be connected | to the | ||||||||||||||
nected. |
| - |
| "PASP"jack located on the | back of the | unit. The speaker must be directed away | ||||||||||
16. | Power | 7 Watt Audio Output | Enhanced audio circuitry with Tone ad- |
| from the mic to prevent | feedback. |
| |||||||||||||||
justment | and | a booming | 7 watt | audio | output | provide CB reception like you've |
| 20. | External | Speaker | - | The "EXT.SP."jack is used for remote receiver monitor- | |||||||||||||
never heard | it before. |
| 11 | ing. The external speaker should have an 8 ohm impedance and be rated at least 7 | |||||||||||||||
17. | Rugged | Metal | Cabinet | - | A professional quality metal housing insures |
| watts. When an external speaker is connected, | the internal speaker is disabled. | |||||||||||||||||
years of dependable | use. |
| 21. | Antenna | Connector | - | This female connector permits connection | of the | ||||||||||
| transmission line cable male connector |