Panasonic SL-SV590 operating instructions Rnd, Album Mode, POS2 POS1

Page 5
Press to play.

Playback modes limitations on these discs only.

Handy functions limitations on these discs only.


and CD-DAindicate



and CD-DAindicate

Side of the main unit








￿￿ ￿





Changing the play mode



PLAY MODE Each time you press

While playing






while paused

1￿ ￿ RND



Changing the sound quality/sound effects

You can combine the sound quality and sound effects settings. Set the sound quality by pressing [EQ] and then the sound effects by pressing and holding [EQ]. (You can also set the sound effects first.)


One track

All track Random






AB repeat









No display (canceled)

MP3￿￿￿You cannot select “RND” and “A￿B” with MP3.

￿Specifying the AB segment

MEMO Press to specify the start point (A).

Press once more to specify the end point (B).

￿Stop or skip (￿page 4) to cancel.

￿If you do not specify point B this will automatically be set as the end of the disc. Repeat begins when this point is reached. You can also specify point B again by pressing [MEMO].

Playing desired tracks only (Program play)

￿Changing the sound quality

While playing, each time you press


Add powerful



H.BASS￿ Enhanced H.BASS


Boosts the bass


Enhanced S-XBS

No display (Cancels the sound quality)

￿Changing the sound effects

While playing, each time you press and hold

Sound field of 3D

Enhanced 3D-1

More natural

sound quality

No display (Cancels

the sound effect)

MP3 RMTR (Digital Re-master): You can regenerate signal frequency lost during compression,


(backward) ￿￿ ￿ (forward)



Will appear after


[MEMO] is pressed


- - :



Track number Sequence number

While stopped, use [￿] or [￿] to select the track number.

Press to enter.

MP3 030 -00- :01

Sequence number


- - :



Album number Track number

restoring the sound to near pre- compression form.

￿If you select 3D-1 or 3D-2, the sound volume may be reduced.

￿The effect may differ with different kinds of music.

￿Depending on the recording conditions, sound may be interrupted

when switching between EQ settings.

￿If you select 3D-1 or 3D-2 then try playing a disc that contains both

CD-ROM format and CD-DA format tracks, there will be a brief noise

when the disc changes from playing the CD-ROM format track to the

CD-DA format one.

￿If RMTR is set when playing MP3, the effect is canceled as soon as a

CD-DA format track is played.

￿When listening to the radio, you can only select S-XBS and

S-XBS￿￿(￿page 6).

￿Repeat steps ￿￿to￿￿ to program up to 20 tracks.


Confirm tracks selected: While playing, press [MEMO].

Cancel: Press [￿]. (“M” disappears.)

Playing only the tracks in a selected album (Album mode) MP3

PLAY MODE Each time you press and hold



No display

(Only tracks on the desired album are played)


￿To select another album (￿page 4, Album skip)


￿You cannot select album mode during program play (￿above).

Changing the anti-skip mode CD-DA

The anti-skip function (ANTI-SKIP SYSTEM) reduces or eliminates skipping caused by vibration. You can change the anti-skip memory time.

MEMO While stopped, each time you press and hold



Sound enhanced mode

Anti-skip enhanced mode

Able to withstand a maximum of

Able to withstand a maximum of

10 seconds of vibration

45 seconds of vibration

MP3 You cannot change the memory time for MP3. It is a maximum of 100 seconds for MP3 recorded at 128 kbps.

Note on CD-R and CD-RW

For CD-DA format, use a music disc and finalize￿ it after recording. The unit

￿When creating MP3 files to play on this unit

Disc formats: ISO9660 level 1 and level 2 (except for extended formats)

may not be able to play some discs due to the condition of the recording.

￿A process performed after recording that enables CD-R/CD-RW players to play audio CD-R and CD-RW.

Playing MP3

MP3: A method of compressing data with little loss to the original sound quality.

￿Unit limitations

￿This unit is compatible with multi-session discs but if there are a lot of sessions it takes more time for play to start. Keep the number of sessions to a minimum to avoid this.

￿This unit cannot play files recorded using packet write.

￿Depending on how you create MP3 files, they may not play in the order you numbered them or may not play at all.

￿You cannot play WMA files.

CD-ROM drive









3 008track.MP3




5 007track.MP3

Naming tracks and albums

Prefix with 3-digit numbers in the order you want to play


001track.mp3 (or .MP3)

Up to 32 characters

If you create an album like this, the files may not play in the order you numbered them.

The albums would play in the order ￿, ￿, ￿, ￿.

Image 5
Contents Hold Function lock DisplayResume function Discs that can be playedProduct Service SpecificationsTo obtain service in the USA please contact Limited Warranty CoverageOr, contact us via the web at For hearing or speech impaired TTY users, TTYListening to CDs Basic play Supplied accessoryPOS2 POS1 Album ModeRND Mono Listening to the radio FM Tuner onlyHold