Date Display
To see the correct Date at any time, depress the MONTH/DATE button. The display changes from Time to Month and Date (MM/DD).
For example, May 21st will appear as “5.21”.
When you release the MONTH/DATE button the display returns to the correct Time.
Year Display
To s e e t h e c o r r e c t Yea r, d e p r e s s t h e
MONTH/DATE and TIME buttons together.
The display changes from Time to Year.
When you release the MONTH/DATE and TIME buttons the display returns to the correct Time.
Daylight Saving and Leap Year Adjustments
All Daylight Saving and Leap Year adjustments are made automatically by the SmartSet® internal computer as follows:
•Start of Daylight Saving Time:
At “2:00 AM” on the 2nd Sunday in March, the clock will automatically advance to “3:00 AM”.
•End of Daylight Saving Time:
At “3:00 AM” on the 1st Sunday in November, the clock will automatically reset to “2:00 AM”.
•Leap Year:
At “12:00 Midnight” on February 28th, the calendar display will change to “2.29”.
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17/4/2007, 16:06