Machine set-up
1.Lift the drill press from its shipping skid according to the diagram, below.
2.Secure the drill press to the floor
The drill press MUST be anchored to the floor according to the layout diagram below.
Failure to anchor the machine properly, according to these diagrams, could result in the machine tipping over and consequent damage to the machine and possible injury or DEATH to the machine operator and bystanders.
3.Connect the electrical service branch to the machine according to the instructions which follow under Electrical. This work should be done only by a qualified and licensed electrician who is familiar with machine service and national and local codes.
4.Wipe the surfaces of the machine which might be coated with protective coating using mineral spirits or other nonflammable solvent.
5.Look in the sight glasses on the machine to be certain they are filled to their level lines. If low, add fluid as necessary according to instructions in Lubrication.
6.Perform a lubrication check at all points recom- mended in the table in Periodic Maintenance.
7.Use instructions in the Operating Instructions section of this manual to check all operating functions of the drill press. If coolant is being used in this machine, put coolant in the sump and test coolant delivery, as well.
8.When all of the above operations are complete the machine is ready for service.