Lincoln Electric 455 manual Diagrams

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NOTE: This diagram is for reference only. It may not be accurate for all machines covered by this manual. The specific diagram for a particular code is pasted inside


the machine on one of the enclosure panels. If the diagram is illegible, write to the Service Department for a replacement. Give the equipment code number..

Image 26
Contents Power Wave 455 STT Safety Depends on YouSafety California Proposition 65 WarningsElectric Shock can kill Welding Sparks can cause fire or explosion IiiPrécautions DE Sûreté Sûreté Pour Soudage a L’ArcThank You Table of Contents Installation Technical Specifications Power Wave 455/STTMachine Grounding Safety PrecautionsSelect Suitable Location High Frequency ProtectionOutput Connections Input Fuse and Supply Wire ConsiderationsInput Voltage Reconnect Procedure Electrode & Work Leads Electrode Negative Applications Voltage Sensing AT the WorkpieceElectrode & Work Leads Electrode Positive Applications Control Cable ConnectionsPower Feed Control BOX Mounting Operating Instructions Safety InstructionsOperation Power Wave 455 STT Recommended Processes and Equipment Additional Design Features and AdvantagesGeneral Description Recommended ProcessesLimitations Power Source OperationWelding Capability Compatible Lincoln EquipmentConstant Voltage CV/WELD, CV/MIG, CV/FLUX Cored Procedures Welding AdjustmentsDetailed Weld Mode Descriptions Gmaw Pulse ProceduresSurface Tension Transfer STT Procedures Constant Current CC/STICK, CC/TIG ProceduresARC Gouging Procedures Factory Included Accessories AccessoriesOptions / Accessories Field InstalledMaintenance Routine MaintenanceTroubleshooting Using the Status LED to Troubleshoot System ProblemsConsult Local Authorized Field Service Facility HOW to USE Troubleshooting GuideLocate Problem Symptom Perform External Recommend Contact your local Lincoln Troubleshooting Guide Authorized Field Service Facility Exhaust louvers Machine won’t weld, can’t get any MIG/MAG pulse modes Check the Trim setting. These Diagrams =62523%25 Diagrams Power Wave 455 STT Power Wave 455 STT Basic Course $700.00Precaucion Warnung