Grizzly G0732 Making Auxiliary Fence, Tools Needed Qty, Components Needed for Auxiliary Fence

Page 50

Making Auxiliary Fence

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>BEDGI6CI/ >chiVaaVi^dc gZfj^gZh eZgbVcZci

bdY^[^XVi^dc id i]Z BdYZa <%,(' iVWaZ hVl

[ZcXZ heZX^[^XVaanYg^aa^c\bdjci^c\]daZh#


73 l]Zc^chiVaaZY#












Figure 73.:mVbeaZd[Vjm^a^Vgn[ZcXZ^chiVaaZY


Tools Needed:


8aVbeh############################################### 'B^c^bjb


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Components Needed for Auxiliary Fence:





 Only use furniture grade plywood, kiln dried hardwood, or HDPE plastic to prevent warping.

To build the auxiliary fence:

1.GZbdkZi]Z[ZcXZ[gdbi]ZiVWaZ!VcYbVg` i]gZZ ]daZh dc Wdi] h^YZh d[ i]Z Vajb^cjb [ZcXZWdYn!Vh^cY^XViZY^cFigure 74#

Note:Make sure the holes are located exact- ly 532" below the top edge of the channel. If you place the hole in the center of the chan- nel, the drill bit will run into a support wall.










Figure 74.AdXVi^dcidbVg`]daZh^c[ZcXZ#

2. Jh^c\V&¿-Yg^aaW^i!Yg^aaVe^adi]daZ^cidZVX] ]daZadXVi^dc!i]ZcjhZV(¿&+W^iidYg^aai]gdj\] i]Z[ZcXZVcYXdccZXiZVX]eV^gd[]daZh#9d cdiYg^aai]Z]daZhaVg\Zgi]VccZXZhhVgndgi]Z bdjci^c\hXgZlhl^aacdiejaadji#

3. 8djciZgh^c` i]Z h^m ]daZh Yg^aaZY ^cid i]Z Vajb^cjb [ZcXZ! i]Zc ^chZgi i]Z [aVi ]ZVY hXgZlh i]gdj\] i]Z ]daZh# 6Y_jhi i]Z YZei] d[ i]Z XdjciZgh^c` ]daZh Vh cZZYZY hd i]Vi i]Z ]ZVYh d[ i]Z [aVi ]ZVY hXgZlh h^i WZadl i]Z hjg[VXZ d[ i]Z X]VccZa! Vh ^aajhigViZY ^c Figure75#








Figure 75.;aVi]ZVYhXgZlWZadl[ZcXZX]VccZa#


Image 50
Contents Model G0732 Contractor Style SAW Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Maintenance ServiceMachine Description IntroductionManual Accuracy Contact Info NdjgBVXcZIdentification Heec\9bZchdch BiZgVj\ZcdgbVidc Glossary of Terms Preventing Kickback Protecting Yourself From KickbackDWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZ SafetySafety Instructions for Machinery Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZc ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc#Additional Safety for Table Saws Full-Load Current Rating Power SupplyAvailability Circuit InformationMinimum Gauge Size 14 AWG Grounding RequirementsExtension Cords 50 ftTo convert the Model G0732 to Voltage Conversion toItems Needed Qty Unpacking SetupNeeded for Setup Description QtyHardware Recognition Chart =ZmLgZcX#*!!+bb################# &VX InventoryHardware Not ShownQty  EjidchVZin\aVhhZh# CleanupBasic steps for removing rust preventative Site Considerations Weight Load Physical EnvironmentElectrical Installation Space AllocationAssembly To assemble the table saw7jhc\ ZZaha\igZhhiVcXZ#HVi =VcYlZZa=Zm7dai B-&#*m% AdX`LVhZg-bb m7aVYZ Hadi Ec AZigdciAZigdciGVa GVa 8Ve7gVX`Zi Hjeedgi HViAdX` @cdW EjhHiX` =daYZg mGkc\@cZ Bdjcic\ 7adX` Disconnecting Power  Power ConnectionConnecting Power Dust Collection # Test RunTo test run the machine 8dc\gVijaVidchIZiZhigjchXdbeaZiZ#9H8DCC8IH6LGDBEDLG Final SetupTo complete the remaining assembly steps  Blade Height Handwheel 6Yjhih WaVYZ OperationsBasic Controls \i# Blade Height LockAdX`hiZWaVYZZ\i#Through Cuts Operation Overview Non-Through Through CutsNon-Through Cuts Blade Requirements Ripping Blade FeaturesWorkpiece Inspection Blade SelectionDado Blades Crosscut blade features Laminate blade featuresCombination blade features XadX`lhZidaddhZc# Blade InstallationYZeZcYc\dclVihchiVaaZY# VXc\iZgdcidiZhVlGuard Blade Guard AssemblyInstalling Blade Guard & Spreader Spreader6a\cbZci Anti-Kickback Pawls@cdW OdcZ7jiidc When to Use Blade GuardWhen Not to Use Blade Guard `cdWidhZXjgZiZ\jVgY#When Not to Use the Riving Knife How to Install the Riving KnifeWhen to Use the Riving Knife Riving KnifeCutting a Zero To install the zero clearance insertInstallation dcPage 33# 56#AZiAcZ To set up the Align-A-Cut markerAlign-A-Cut \iAcZRipping  HZiiZZcXZidiZYZhgZYlYidXjidc iZhXVaZ#To perform a miter cut To make a crosscut using the miter gaugeCrosscutting Miter Cuts Dado Cutting Installing a Dado BladeBlade Tilt/Bevel Cuts Dado BladeTo cut a dado with a dado blade Cutting Dadoes with a Dado BladeFinished Dado Cut Cut 1 Blade Cutting Dadoes with a Standard BladeTo use a standard saw blade to cut dadoes Cut 2 BladeRabbet Cutting Cutting Rabbets with a Dado BladeBlade Cutting Rabbets with a Standard BladeTo cut rabbets with the standard blade  GZXdccZXiiZhVlidiZedlZghdjgXZ!iZc eZgdgbiZXji#Tools NeededQty ResawingMaking Resaw Barrier Components Needed for Resaw BarrierComponents Needed for Auxiliary Fence Making Auxiliary FenceTools Needed Qty To build the auxiliary fenceHXgVe7dVgY Resawing Operations HV`Z iZ Vajbcjb hVkc\h dji d iZ ZcXZ# ZcXZVcYZcXZidkZgniZbdjcic\VgYGZhVl ZcXZ 7VggZg Ldg`eZXZFront View  AdlZgiZWaVYZXdbeaZiZanWZadliZiVWaZ!Making a Featherboard Shop Made Safety AccessoriesFeatherboards Material Needed for FeatherboardIdeKZl HYZKZl * $- 8djciZghc`dc7diidb HadiMounting Featherboards w/Clamps Mounting Featherboard in Miter Slot⁄2 Grid Using a Push StickPush Sticks HjgZ#Making a Push Block Using a Push BlockPush Blocks Material Needed for Push Block Making a Narrow-Rip Push Block for an Auxiliary FenceMaterial Needed for Narrow Rip Auxiliary Fence & Push Block Using the Auxiliary Fence & Push Block DjiZZY Outfeed & Support TablesCrosscut Sled IVWaZT23748-Dado Insert for G0732 BdYZa%,&% BdYZa&&+H9587-Table Saw Fundamentals Book H7583-Grizzly Tenoning JigSchedule MaintenanceCleaning Bevel Gear & Elevation Leadscrew LubricationTrunnion Slides & Tilt Leadscrew Following components need to be lubri- catedHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceTroubleshooting Page 65 # Setting 90 Stop Bolt Blade Tilt StopsMiter Slot to Blade Parallelism Setting 45 Stop BoltTo adjust the blade parallel to the miter slot IdlVgYh*•jciaihidehVcYXVccdiWZiaiZY VcnbdgZ#To check the spreader/riving knife alignment Spreader or Riving Knife AlignmentChecking Alignment Adjusting Alignment Parallelism Fence AdjustmentsAdjusting Bent Spreader/Riving Knife ihdoes notldg`!gZbdkZiidhigV\i Zc#To adjust the fence clamping pressure Offsetting FenceTo adjust the parallelism to the blade Clamping PressureTo calibrate the fence scale indicator win- dows Miter Gauge AdjustmentsChecking/Setting 90 Stops Fence Scale CalibrationTensioning Belt Belt Tension ReplacementChecking/Setting 45 Stops BiZgVj\Z daadlSteps1-2cTensioning Belt# Replacing BeltEjaaZn 9ZaZXidc  EkdiiZ bdidg Ydlc VcYgdaa iZWZai dd iZejaaZnh#Shock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc WiringWiring Safety Instructions EdcZcihWired Wiring DiagramMotor Prewired Parts MainMain Parts List DescriptionDescription Stand Guard & Switch Fence Label Placement 10. 8dbbZcih EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! Warranty & Returns Order Hours a DAY