Grizzly G0732 owner manual Spreader or Riving Knife Alignment, Checking Alignment

Page 69

3.L^i] i]Z ZcY d[ i]Z VY_jhiVWaZ hfjVgZ _jhi idjX]^c\ i]Z i^e! adX` i]Z hfjVgZ ^c eaVXZ# Cdl! bVg` i]Z XVgW^YZ i^e l^i] V bVg`Zg l]ZgZndjbVYZi]^hbZVhjgZbZci#

The saw blade is sharp. Use extra care or wear gloves when handling the blade or working near it.

4.GdiViZi]ZbVg`ZYWaVYZi^eidi]Zdi]ZgZcY d[i]ZiVWaZ^chZgi#

5.Ha^YZi]ZVY_jhiVWaZhfjVgZYdlcidi]Zdi]Zg ZcYd[i]ZiVWaZ^chZgi!VcYXdbeVgZi]ZY^h" iVcXZ[gdbi]ZbVg`ZYWaVYZi^eidi]ZZcYd[ i]ZVY_jhiVWaZhfjVgZ#

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Spreader or Riving

Knife Alignment

Checking Alignment

I]Z WaVYZ \jVgY hegZVYZg VcY g^k^c\ `c^[Z bjhi WZ Va^\cZY l^i] i]Z WaVYZ l]Zc ^chiVaaZY# >[ i]Z hegZVYZg$g^k^c\`c^[Z^hcdiVa^\cZYl^i]i]ZWaVYZ! i]Zci]Zldg`e^ZXZl^aaWZ[dgXZYh^YZlVnhYjg^c\ i]ZXji!l]^X]l^aa^cXgZVhZi]Zg^h`d[`^X`WVX`#

Tools Needed


HigV^\]iZY\Z###################################################### &

To check the spreader/riving knife alignment:


2. GV^hZi]ZhVlWaVYZidi]ZbVm^bjb]Z^\]i hdndj]VkZZVhnldg`^c\VXXZhh#

3. 8]ZX` id bV`Z hjgZ i]Z WaVYZ ^h .%• id i]Z iVWaZ#;daadlHZii^c\.%•Hide7dai^chigjX" i^dchdc Page 65#

4. EaVXZ i]Z higV^\]iZY\Z V\V^chi i]Z ide VcY Wdiidb d[ WaVYZ VcY hegZVYZg$g^k^c\ `c^[Z! Vhh]dlc^cFigure 115#I]ZhegZVYZg$g^k^c\ `c^[Zh]djaYWZeVgVaaZal^i]i]ZWaVYZVadc\ ^ihaZc\i]ViWdi]edh^i^dchVcYh]djaYWZ^c i]Z 6a^\cbZci OdcZ! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 116 dcPage 68#





Figure 115.8]ZX`^c\ideVcYWdiidbg^k^c\`c^[Z


Figure 114. Igjcc^dcbdjci^c\Wdaih#



Image 69
Contents Model G0732 Contractor Style SAW Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Service MaintenanceManual Accuracy Contact Info IntroductionMachine Description NdjgBVXcZIdentification Heec\9bZchdch BiZgVj\ZcdgbVidc Glossary of Terms Protecting Yourself From Kickback Preventing KickbackSafety Instructions for Machinery SafetyDWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZ Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc# Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZcAdditional Safety for Table Saws Availability Power SupplyFull-Load Current Rating Circuit InformationExtension Cords Grounding RequirementsMinimum Gauge Size 14 AWG 50 ftVoltage Conversion to Items Needed QtyTo convert the Model G0732 to Needed for Setup SetupUnpacking Description QtyHardware Recognition Chart Inventory Hardware Not ShownQty=ZmLgZcX#*!!+bb################# &VX Cleanup Basic steps for removing rust preventative EjidchVZin\aVhhZh# Electrical Installation Weight Load Physical EnvironmentSite Considerations Space AllocationTo assemble the table saw AssemblyHVi ZZaha\igZhhiVcXZ#7jhc\ =VcYlZZam =Zm7dai B-&#*m% AdX`LVhZg-bbAZigdciGVa Hadi Ec AZigdci7aVYZ GVa 8VeHjeedgi HVi 7gVX`ZiEjhHiX` =daYZg m Gkc\@cZ Bdjcic\ 7adX`AdX` @cdW Connecting Power  Power ConnectionDisconnecting Power Dust CollectionTo test run the machine Test Run # 8dc\gVijaVidchIZiZhigjchXdbeaZiZ#Final Setup To complete the remaining assembly steps9H8DCC8IH6LGDBEDLG Basic Controls Operations Blade Height Handwheel 6Yjhih WaVYZ \i# Blade Height LockAdX`hiZWaVYZZ\i#Operation Overview Non-Through Through Cuts Non-Through CutsThrough Cuts Workpiece Inspection Ripping Blade FeaturesBlade Requirements Blade SelectionCrosscut blade features Laminate blade features Combination blade featuresDado Blades YZeZcYc\dclVihchiVaaZY# Blade InstallationXadX`lhZidaddhZc# VXc\iZgdcidiZhVlInstalling Blade Guard & Spreader Blade Guard AssemblyGuard Spreader@cdW Anti-Kickback Pawls6a\cbZci OdcZWhen Not to Use Blade Guard When to Use Blade Guard7jiidc `cdWidhZXjgZiZ\jVgY#When to Use the Riving Knife How to Install the Riving KnifeWhen Not to Use the Riving Knife Riving KnifeInstallation dcPage 33# To install the zero clearance insertCutting a Zero 56#Align-A-Cut To set up the Align-A-Cut markerAZiAcZ \iAcZ HZiiZZcXZidiZYZhgZYlYidXjidc iZhXVaZ# RippingTo make a crosscut using the miter gauge Crosscutting Miter CutsTo perform a miter cut Blade Tilt/Bevel Cuts Installing a Dado BladeDado Cutting Dado BladeCutting Dadoes with a Dado Blade Finished Dado CutTo cut a dado with a dado blade To use a standard saw blade to cut dadoes Cutting Dadoes with a Standard BladeCut 1 Blade Cut 2 BladeCutting Rabbets with a Dado Blade Rabbet CuttingTo cut rabbets with the standard blade Cutting Rabbets with a Standard BladeBlade  GZXdccZXiiZhVlidiZedlZghdjgXZ!iZc eZgdgbiZXji#Making Resaw Barrier ResawingTools NeededQty Components Needed for Resaw BarrierTools Needed Qty Making Auxiliary FenceComponents Needed for Auxiliary Fence To build the auxiliary fence HV`Z iZ Vajbcjb hVkc\h dji d iZ ZcXZ# Resawing OperationsHXgVe7dVgY ZcXZVcYZcXZidkZgniZbdjcic\VgYFront View Ldg`eZXZGZhVl ZcXZ 7VggZg  AdlZgiZWaVYZXdbeaZiZanWZadliZiVWaZ!Featherboards Shop Made Safety AccessoriesMaking a Featherboard Material Needed for Featherboard8djciZghc`dc7diidb Hadi IdeKZl HYZKZl * $-Mounting Featherboard in Miter Slot Mounting Featherboards w/ClampsPush Sticks Using a Push Stick⁄2 Grid HjgZ#Using a Push Block Push BlocksMaking a Push Block Making a Narrow-Rip Push Block for an Auxiliary Fence Material Needed for Narrow Rip Auxiliary Fence & Push BlockMaterial Needed for Push Block Using the Auxiliary Fence & Push Block Crosscut Sled Outfeed & Support TablesDjiZZY IVWaZBdYZa%,&% BdYZa&&+ T23748-Dado Insert for G0732H7583-Grizzly Tenoning Jig H9587-Table Saw Fundamentals BookMaintenance CleaningSchedule Trunnion Slides & Tilt Leadscrew LubricationBevel Gear & Elevation Leadscrew Following components need to be lubri- catedService TroubleshootingHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc Page 65 # Blade Tilt Stops Setting 90 Stop BoltTo adjust the blade parallel to the miter slot Setting 45 Stop BoltMiter Slot to Blade Parallelism IdlVgYh*•jciaihidehVcYXVccdiWZiaiZY VcnbdgZ#Spreader or Riving Knife Alignment Checking AlignmentTo check the spreader/riving knife alignment Adjusting Alignment Adjusting Bent Spreader/Riving Knife Fence AdjustmentsParallelism ihdoes notldg`!gZbdkZiidhigV\i Zc#To adjust the parallelism to the blade Offsetting FenceTo adjust the fence clamping pressure Clamping PressureChecking/Setting 90 Stops Miter Gauge AdjustmentsTo calibrate the fence scale indicator win- dows Fence Scale CalibrationChecking/Setting 45 Stops Belt Tension ReplacementTensioning Belt BiZgVj\ZEjaaZn 9ZaZXidc Replacing Belt daadlSteps1-2cTensioning Belt#  EkdiiZ bdidg Ydlc VcYgdaa iZWZai dd iZejaaZnh#Wiring Safety Instructions WiringShock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc EdcZcihWiring Diagram Motor PrewiredWired Main PartsDescription Main Parts ListDescription Stand Guard & Switch Fence Label Placement 10. 8dbbZcih $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZWarranty & Returns Order Hours a DAY