Blade Tilt/Bevel Cuts
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Figure 53#7aVYZi^aiZYid)*[dgWZkZaXjii^c\dc
Dado Cutting
8dbbdcan jhZY ^c [jgc^ijgZ _d^cZgn! V YVYd ^h V higV^\]iX]VccZaXji^ci]Z[VXZd[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ# 9VYdZhXVcWZXjijh^c\Z^i]ZgVYZY^XViZYYVYd WaVYZdgVhiVcYVgYhVlWaVYZ#I]Z^cXajYZYYVYd iVWaZ ^chZgi bjhi WZ ^chiVaaZY VcY jhZY l]Zc V YVYdWaVYZ^h^chiVaaZY jcaZhhVoZgdXaZVgVcXZ iVWaZ^chZgi^hjhZY^chiZVY#
I]ZiVWaZhVlbdidg^hejh]ZYid^iha^b^ihl]Zc bV`^c\VYVYdXjil^i]VYVYdWaVYZ#>[i]Zbdidg hiVgihidWd\Ydlc!hadlYdlcndjg[ZZYgViZVcY bV`Z bjai^eaZ h]Vaadl eVhhZh# DO NOT use a dado blade larger than 8" in diameter! I]ZhVl VcYVgWdgVgZcdi^ciZcYZYidhV[ZanjhZVaVg\Zg YVYdWaVYZ#
Dado operations require proper procedures to avoid serious injury. Extra care must be taken to prevent kickback when using dado blades. Any movement of the workpiece away from the fence will cause kickback. Be certain that stock is flat and straight. Failure to follow these warnings could result in serious personal injury.
DO NOT make a
Always use push sticks, featherboards, push paddles and other safety accessories whenever possible to increase safety and control during operations that require the blade guard and splitter to be removed from the saw. ALWAYS replace the blade guard after dadoing is complete.
Using a Stacked or Wobble Dado Blade
2. GZbdkZ i]Z iVWaZ ^chZgi! i]Z WaVYZ \jVgY VhhZbWandgg^k^c\`c^[Z!VcYi]ZhVlWaVYZ#
3. 6iiVX] VcY VY_jhi i]Z YVYd WaVYZ hnhiZb VXXdgY^c\ id i]Z YVYd WaVYZ bVcj[VXijgZg»h ^chigjXi^dch# DO NOT use a dado blade larger than 8" in diameter on this saw! I]ZhVlVcYVgWdgVgZcdi^ciZcYZYidhV[Zan jhZVaVg\ZgYVYdWaVYZ#
4. >chiVaai]ZYVYdiVWaZ^chZgi#
5. GV^hZi]ZYVYdWaVYZjeidi]ZYZh^gZYYZei] d[XjiYZei]d[YVYdX]VccZaYZh^gZY#L]Zc Xjii^c\ YZZe YVYdZh! iV`Z bdgZ i]Vc dcZ eVhhidgZYjXZi]Zg^h`d[`^X`WVX`#
The danger of kickback increases relative to the depth and width of a cut. Reduce the risk of kickback by making multiple shal- low cuts to achieve the desired depth of cut. Failure to follow these warnings could result in serious personal injury.