Grizzly G0690 owner manual Blade Guard Assembly

Page 35

Blade Guard


I]Z iZgb WaVYZ \jVgY gZ[Zgh id i]Z VhhZbWan i]ViXdch^hihd[i]ZXaZVgedanXVgWdcViZh]^ZaY!i]Z hea^iiZg!VcYi]ZVci^"`^X`WVX`eVlahdcZVX]h^YZ d[i]Zhea^iiZgFigure 45#:VX]d[i]ZhZXdbed" cZcih]VkZ^bedgiVcihV[Zin[jcXi^dchYjg^c\i]Z deZgVi^dcd[i]ZhVl#




Figure 45.7aVYZ\jVgYVhhZbWanXdbedcZcih#


I]ZXaZVgedanXVgWdcViZ\jVgYVaadlhi]ZdeZgV" idg id hZZ i]Z WaVYZ Xji i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc# I]^h \jVgY ^h YZh^\cZY id a^[i Vh i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ^hejh]ZY^cidi]ZWaVYZVcYgZbV^c^c XdciVXi l^i] i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ i]gdj\]dji i]Z Zci^gZ Xji#

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Id ZchjgZ i]Z i]Vi i]Z \jVgY YdZh ^ih _dW Z[[ZX" i^kZan!i]Z\jVgYbjhiValVnhWZ^ci]ZYdlclVgY edh^i^dc l]^aZ Xjii^c\! VcY i]Z ]^c\Z bZX]Vc^hb bjhiWZbV^ciV^cZY^c\ddYldg`^c\XdcY^i^dchd i]Z\jVgYXVc[gZZane^kdijeVcYYdlc#


I]Z hea^iiZg ^h V bZiVa eaViZ i]Vi egZkZcih i]Z cZlanXji`Zg[d[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ[gdbe^cX]^c\i]Z WVX`h^YZd[i]ZWaVYZ!XVjh^c\`^X`WVX`#

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In order to work properly, the splitter cannot be bent or misaligned with the blade. If the splitter gets accidentally bent, take the time to straighten it or just replace it. Using a bent or misaligned splitter will increase the risk of kickback!


Some thin-kerf blades may be thinner than the thickness of the splitter. DO NOT install these blades on the saw, because the workpiece will hit the splitter during opera- tion, possibly causing kickback. Always make sure the kerf of a blade you install is not thinner than the splitter.

Anti-Kickback Pawls

I]Z Vci^"`^X`WVX` eVlah Vaadl i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ id igVkZa^cdcandcZY^gZXi^dc#>[i]Zldg`e^ZXZbdkZh WVX`lVgYh!hjX]VhYjg^c\V`^X`WVX`!i]ZeVlah l^aaY^\^cidi]Zldg`e^ZXZidhadldghide^i#

Id ldg` egdeZgan! i]Z eVlah bjhi gZijgc id i]Z^g Wdiidb"bdhiedh^i^dcV[iZge^kdi^c\# >[i]Zn[V^aid Ydi]^h!i]Ze^kdiheg^c\bVn]VkZWZZcY^hadY\ZY dgWgd`ZcVcYl^aacZZYidWZ[^mZY$gZeaVXZY#

When to Use the Blade Guard

I]Z WaVYZ \jVgY VhhZbWan BJHI ValVnh WZ ^chiVaaZY dc i]Z hVl [dg Vaa cdgbVa i]gdj\] Xjih i]dhZ l]ZgZ i]Z WaVYZ Xjih Vaa i]Z lVn i]gdj\] i]Zi]^X`cZhhd[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ#

When Not to Use the Blade Guard

I]Z WaVYZ \jVgY XVccdi WZ jhZY dc Vcn cdc" i]gdj\] Xjih i]dhZ ^c l]^X] i]Z WaVYZ YdZh cdi Xji Vaa i]Z lVn i]gdj\] i]Z i]^X`cZhh d[ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ#

HdbZi^bZh i]Z WaVYZ \jVgY dg ^ih XdbedcZcih XVc \Zi ^c i]Z lVn l]Zc Xjii^c\ kZgn cVggdl ldg`e^ZXZh dg di]Zg heZX^Va^oZY Xjih# 7ZXVjhZ i]ZWaVYZ\jVgY^hegdk^YZYidYZXgZVhZndjgg^h` d[^c_jgn!^ih]djaYcdiWZjhZY^[^i\Zih^ci]ZlVn d[bV`^c\VhV[ZXji#JhZ\ddY_jY\ZbZci

>BEDGI6CI/ L]ZcZkZg i]Z WaVYZ \jVgY XVccdi WZjhZY!i]Zg^k^c\`c^[ZbjhiWZ^chiVaaZY#


Image 35
Contents Cabinet Table SAW Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents +.%$%+.&8VWcZiIVWaZHVll$Gkc\@cZ IntroductionManual Accuracy Functional Overview Contact InfoIdentification Machine Data Sheet Motors Main Construction Model G0691 Motors Main Construction BVXcZgn cdhZ XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#  !,7!93 53%3 %!2.2 02/4%#4/ %. /0%2!4.! -!#.%29 !,7!93 ,/#+ -/,% !3%33 & 53%$ % %&/2% /0%2!4. -!#.%29#  53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2Safety Instructions for Table Saws Below are tips to avoid the most common causes of kickback Preventing KickbackProtecting Yourself From Kickback WaVYZ# Glossary of TermsParallel7Zc\VcZfjVaYhiVcXZVeVgiViZkZgn 220V Operation Circuit RequirementsDescription Qty SetupItems Needed for Setup UnpackingHardware Recognition Chart Hardware Not ShownQty Box Contents Figures QtyInventory DciZBdYZa%+.%# Fence Inventory G0690Fence Inventory G0691 Inventory Need for Your Saw QtyFloor Load Clean UpPlacement Location Site Considerations=VcYaZ AdX`@cdW AssemblyTo assemble the table saw =c\Z HdX`ZiZmiZchdclc\je# IjbW@cdW EaVXZ iZ higV\iZY\Z VXgdhh iZ ZmiZchdc XdbWcZYiVWaZhjgVXZhaVi#BdYZa%+.&ijWZViiVXZYidgdci GVa# Hdlc#Ihadi# G0690 Extension TableG0691 Extension Table =VcYaZ GZVgGVaddi Magnetic SwitchFence & Miter Gauge Saw BladeWaVYZ# Checking Fence ParallelismFence Scale GZYAcZ HXgZlh EdciZg LcYdlHZiHXgZl HXgZl To install the fence scaleBlade Guard Vhhdlcc # AdX`c\ 6YjhibZci 7adX` 8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ# Dust Collection Test RunTo connect a dust collection hose To test run the machineAdjustments that should be verified Recommended AdjustmentsBasic Controls Safety Pin & ChainLZcchiVaaZY !Operations Laminate blade features Combination blade featuresRipping blade features Crosscut blade featuresThin Kerf Blade Blade InstallationTo install the blade Dado BladesBlade Guard Assembly Gkc\@cZ When to Use the Riving KnifeWhen Not to Use the Riving Knife Riving KnifeBefore cutting, inspect all workpieces for Workpiece Non-Through Inspection Through CutsNon-Through Cuts Through CutsIneXVageec\deZgVidc# RippingTo perform a miter cut To make a crosscut using the miter gaugeCrosscutting Miter Cuts 9H8DCC8II=H6LGDBEDLG Using a Stacked or Wobble Dado BladeBlade Tilt/Bevel Cuts Dado CuttingDadoes Using a Standard Saw Blade to CutIZZcXZVcY¿iX`# Rabbet CuttingCutting Rabbets with Dado Blade Larger than 8 in diameter on this sawCutting Rabbets with Standard Blade IZcValdg`eZXZ# ResawingIjgciZhVlON# Auxiliary Fence Resaw BarrierComponents Needed for Resawing Resawing OperationsTo perform resawing operations YZVaXdbeaZiZYgZhVlXji# T20916-Zero Clearance Insert for G0690/ G0691 AccessoriesAftermarket Accessories H7583-Grizzly Tenoning JigT20392-Success with Tablesaws H7777-Grizzly 8 Stack Dado SetT20502 T20452 T20503 T20448 T20456 H0736 Outfeed & Support Tables Shop Made Safety AccessoriesPush Stick FeatherboardSchedule MaintenanceCleaning Trunnion Slides & Orientation Gears Worm Gears, Trunnion and Bearing Housing TeethLubrication Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceTroubleshooting # 9jaaWaVYZ# # GZeaVXZWaVYZ# Tools Needed Qty Setting 90 Stop BoltBlade Tilt Stops IdlVgYh*•jciaihidehVcYXVccdiWZiaiZY VcnbdgZ# Setting 45 Stop Bolt•Hide7dai ?VbCji \iZc iZ Vb cji! iZc XadhZ iZ bdidg XdkZg#Tools NeededQty To adjust the blade parallel to the miter slotMiter Slot to Blade Parallelism Checking Splitter/Riving Knife Alignment Adjusting Splitter/Riving KnifeSplitter or Riving Knife Alignment  8ZX`iZVa\cbZciVhndjYYegZkdjhan# Fence AdjustmentsStraightening Splitter/Riving Knife Square and HeightClamping Pressure and Parallelism HXgZlh CYXVidgLcYdl To calibrate the fence scale indicator win- dowsFence Scale Calibration BiZghadi#To adjust the miter bar tightness Checking/Setting 90 StopsAdjusting Miter Bar Tightness Replacing Belt Belt Tension ReplacementTensioning Belt Wiring Safety Instructions WiringBV\cZiXhliX# Model G0690/G0691 Wiring DiagramTable Saw Body Breakdown PartsDescription Table Saw Body Parts List8VWcZiIVWaZHVll$Gkc\@cZ Trunnion AssemblyBreakdown Trunnion Assembly Parts List Bull Gear Blade Guard Breakdown Miter Gauge Breakdown Fence Breakdown Model G0690 Extension Table Breakdown Model G0691 Extension Table Breakdown Fence Label IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZg =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcYTTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg 8VWcZiBV`Zg$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%
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