Grizzly G0674 owner manual Circuit Requirements, 220V Operation

Page 14


220V Operation

Serious personal injury could occur if you connect the machine to power before com- pleting the setup process. DO NOT connect the machine to the power until instructed later in this manual.

Electrocution or fire could result if machine is not grounded and installed in compliance with electrical codes. Compliance MUST be verified by a qualified electrician!

Full Load Amperage Draw

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Power Supply Circuit Requirements

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Power Connection Device

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Figure 2.C:B6A&*"(%eaj\VcYgZXZeiVXaZ#

Extension Cords

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Image 14
Contents Model G0674 Sliding Table SAW Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Contact Info IntroductionManual Accuracy Functional Overview +,&HaYc\IVWaZHVlBlade Angle Handwheel 6YjhihiZVc\aZ IdentificationFlip Stop JhZY dg fjX` bZVhjgZbZcih dgXgdhhXjiic\# Machine Data Sheet Scoring Motor Geec\LYi 8gdhh8ji BiZg8ji.%§ BiZg8ji*§ ejhXji !,7!93 53%3 %!2.2 02/4%#4/ %. /0%2!4.! -!#.%29 BVXcZgn cdhZ XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh# 53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2  !,7!93 ,/#+ -/,% !3%33 & 53%$ % %&/2% /0%2!4. -!#.%29#Additional Safety for Table Saws Below are tips to avoid the most common causes of kickback Preventing KickbackProtecting Yourself From Kickback VXgdhhiZhdgiZhilYidiZldg`eZXZ# Glossary of TermsCrosscut8jiic\deZgVidcclXiZXgdhh Xjiic\deZgVidc#Circuit Requirements 220V OperationItems Needed for Setup SetupSetup Safety UnpackingBox 3 Figure Qty InventoryBox 1 Figure Qty Box 2 Figure QtyBox 1 Qty Crate QtyHardware Recognition Chart Site Considerations Clean UpPlacement Location Floor LoadMoving & Placing Saw Base Unit Dg`AdXVidcZcXZGVa IVWaZ7gVX`Zih Assembly & SetupTo assemble and set up the sliding table saw MiZchdcIVWaZXgZViZVhc\aZ!aZkZaeaVcZ# Bdjcic\GdY @cdW&dAdX` @cdW AdX`@cdWh AZ\Hjeedgi IVWaZAZ\ Hlc\c\7VhZ8ZciZg7dai HaYZgAVc\ZCji Gkc\@cZBVg`6a\cZY 6gWdgAdX`c\Idda 6gWdg=daZ 6gWdgCjiHXdgc\7aVYZ HXdgc\=dgodciVa 7aVYZKZgiXVa 6YjhibZci LiKZlcYZg9jhi=dhZHjeedgi Lc\HXgZl 8ZciZgHijY I7dai EaVXZbZci EaVXZbZciAViLVhZg HeVXZg @cdW 7aVYZjVgY Gkc\@cZ9jhiEdgi 9jhi=dhZ =dhZ8djeaZg 7aVYZjVgY&¿=dhZ =dhZHjeedgi To test run the saw Test RunHdlccFigures 37 & 39 # 9ZegZhhiZ&ZbZg\ZcXnhidehliX# 10. GZeZVi Steps 6-7 li iZ  ZbZg\ZcXn hidehliX#Scoring Blade ON/OFF Buttons HiVgiVcY OperationsBasic Controls HideiZhXdgc\WaVYZ# BVc7aVYZ HXdgc\7aVYZFence Assembly Lock Down Lever Forward/Backward Slide Lock HandleScoring Blade Alignment Bolt 6YjhihiZ Safety TipsPlease follow these safety tips Every time you use your saw DgodciVaedhidcdiZhXdgc\WaVYZ#Crosscut blade features Ripping blade featuresCombination blade features Laminate blade features9H8DCC8IH6LGDBEDLG Changing Main BladeTo change the main blade XZciZgiZhaYc\iVWaZ# +,&HaYc\IVWaZHVlWhen Not to Use the Blade Guard Blade Guard AssemblyWhen to Use the Blade Guard Riving Knife When to Use the Riving KnifeWhen Not to Use the Riving Knife Riving Knife Adjustment To adjust the riving knifeThrough Cuts Workpiece Non-Through Inspection Through CutsNon-Through Cuts Before cutting, inspect all workpieces forAdjusting Replacing Scoring Blade To change the scoring bladeRip Cutting Rip Cutting with Sliding TableGeZcXZAZVYc\Y\Z Rip Cutting with Rip Fence=dgodciVa KZgiXVa AdX` AZkZg BXgd6Yjhi AdX`AZkZgCrosscutting DglVgYBdjciZY 8gdhhXjiZcXZCut-Off Gauge Crosscutting Using Rip Fence as aCrosscutting Full Size Panels Crosscutting Smaller PanelsMiter Cutting To perform a miter cutT20502 T20452 T20503 T20448 T20456 H0736 AccessoriesT20784-12 Replacement Saw Blade G3445-Precision Saw Tool G7581-Superbar G7582-Master PlateFeatherboard Shop Made Safety AccessoriesPush Stick ZViZgWdVgY EjhHiX`Schedule MaintenanceCleaning Unpainted Cast IronLubrication 85#Motor & Electrical ServiceTroubleshooting Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcSymptom Possible Cause Possible Solution OperationScoring Belt Tension Belt ServiceScoring Belt Replacement Tools RequiredQty EZgdgbSteps 1-4dMain Belt Tension# Main Belt ReplacementMain Belt Tension GZeZVi #  LaZ hjeedgic\ iZ bdidg! jaan gZbdkZ Nuts B & D#GZbdkZiZWZaigdbiZbdidgejaaZn# 13. I\iZciZdjgcjih# 14. GZchiVaaiZgZVgXVWcZiXdkZg#Blade Tilt Calibration StopBlade Angle indicator Indicator CalibrationBlade Height indicator  iZ cYXVidg YdZh cdi gZVY %! XdcicjZ WZadl# # Sliding Table Parallel AdjustmentTo adjust the sliding table parallel with the main blade Squaring Crosscut Fence to Blade To square the crosscut fence with the bladeWiring Wiring Safety InstructionsWiring Overview 220 VACFuse box wiring Main switch box wiringWiring Electrical Boxes 220 VAC L15-30 Plug As recommendedWiring Components AbiHliX#Parts Tables BreakdownCabinet BreakdownCabinet Parts List Control Components Breakdown Trunnion Breakdown Trunnion Parts List Scoring Blade Breakdown Accessory Breakdown Accessory List DescriptionOutrigger Breakdown Crosscut Table Breakdown Extension Fence Breakdown Electrical Components Breakdown Labels Breakdown 8VWcZiBV`Zg =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcYTTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZgEaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%