Grizzly G9742 Chip Tray & Cast Iron Stop, OFF Button Lever, To set the OFF button lever stop bolt

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Chip Tray & Cast

Iron Stop

I]ZX]^eigVnY^gZXihhbVaaldg`e^ZXZh^cidVWjX`" Zi l]Zc i]Z Xji ^h XdbeaZiZ# I]Z XVhi ^gdc hide VaadlhndjidgZeZViXjihVii]ZhVbZaZc\i]#

To install the chip tray and cast iron stop:

1. Edh^i^dci]ZX]^eigVnVhh]dlc^cFigure 14 ^[ndjX]ddhZidjhZi]^hVXXZhhdgn#


Figure 14.8]^eigVn^chiVaaZY#

2. >chZgii]ZhidegdYVeegdm^bViZan(¿)^cidi]Z hVljci^ai]ZZcYd[i]ZgdY^h_jhi[ajh]l^i] i]Z^ch^YZXVhi^c\hjg[VXZ#

3. Jh^c\ i]Z )bb ]Zm lgZcX]! i^\]iZc i]Z hZi hXgZlh]dlc^cFigure 15#



Figure 15.>chiVaa^c\hidegdY#

4. Ha^YZi]ZXVhi^gdchidedcidi]ZhidegdY VcYi^\]iZci]ZhZihXgZl#


OFF Button Lever

6[iZg ndj ]VkZ gZbdkZY i]Z h]^ee^c\ higVe VcY ]VkZVY_jhiZYi]Z]ZVYhidX`hideWdai!ndjbjhi VY_jhi i]Z D;; Wjiidc aZkZg hide Wdai! hd i]Z WVcYhVlh]jihD;;VjidbVi^XVaanl]ZcVXji^h XdbeaZiZ#

To set the OFF button lever stop bolt:

1. L^i] i]Z ]ZVYhidX` ^c i]Z XdbeaZiZ Ydlc edh^i^dc!addhZci]Z&'bbhideWdaiVcY_Vb cjihZZFigure 16#

Hide7daiVcY ?VbCji


Figure 16.D;;WjiidcaZkZgVcYhideWdai#

2. Ejh] Ydlc dc i]Z D;; Wjiidc aZkZg hd i]Z Wjiidc^hXdbeaZiZanYZegZhhZY#

3. L]^aZ`ZZe^c\i]ZaZkZgYZegZhhZY!jhZndjg [^c\Zgi^ehidijgci]ZhideWdaijci^ai]Z]ZVY idjX]Zhi]ZaZkZg#

4. 7VX`d[[i]ZhideWdai&¿(ijgcVcYi^\]iZci]Z _Vbcji#

G9742 5" x 6" Metal Cutting Bandsaw

Image 18
Contents Model G9742 Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Introduction ForewordContact Info Machine Data Sheet Other Identification Safety Safety Instructions for MachineryKeep CHILDREN/VISITORS Away Additional Safety Instructions for Metal Cutting Bandsaws Hearing Protection & HazardsCircuit Requirements 110/220V OperationGZXZeiVXaZhdlcc dg%K# Items Needed for Set Up SET UPSet Up Safety UnpackingBox 1 Figure Qty Assembly HardwareInventory VgYlVgZhidgZ#Clean Up G2544-Solvent Cleaner & DegreaserSite Considerations Components and Hardware Needed Qty To install the wheels, feet, and the cabinetCabinet, Wheels Feet  IgZVYV¿-&+ZmcjidcWdiZZi##AZiEVcZachiVaaZY# chiVaac\g\ieVcZa#Squaring Vise to Blade Shipping Strap Stop AdjustmentTo remove the shipping strap and adjust the feed stop bolt To square the vise to the bladeOFF Button Lever To install the chip tray and cast iron stopChip Tray & Cast Iron Stop To set the OFF button lever stop boltPulley Cover VidcZdigZZheZZYh# JCEAJI=76C9H6L Starting the machine Factory adjustments that should be verifiedTest Run  GZVYiZZcigZchigjXidcbVcjVa#Operation Safety OperationsBlade Speed Blade Selection To select the correct blade TPITo set the feed rate Feed RateKVakZAZkZg ZZYGViZ9Va  8aVbeiZldg`eZXZciZiVWaZkhZ#To adjust the guide bearings Blade GuidesTo tension the blade on the bandsaw Blade TensionOperation Tips Tips for horizontal cuttingIZ7aVYZIZchdcc\Vj\ZZchjgZhadc\WaVYZ AccessoriesPower Twist V-Belts H9815-A 1⁄2 x T20640-Machinery’s HandbookIZhZ\aVhhZhbZZi6CHO-,#&%%heZXXV XVciWZiddXVgZjalihdehVZinT20502 T20452 T20503 T20448 T20456 H0736 Schedule MaintenanceCleaning LubricationService TroubleshootingSymptom Possible Cause Possible Solution Bandsaw Operations HVZin Hide Blade ChangeTo change the bandsaw blade JYZ11. GZViiVXiZZZYXnacYZg# To adjust the blade tracking on the bandsawBlade Tracking Blade GuidesdcPageVeVXidg# HliXlgc\gZVgkZl#G9742 Wiring Diagram 110V Connection220V Connection Saw Parts Breakdown Saw Parts List DescriptionStand Parts Breakdown Stand Parts List Positioning RingGuides & Shafts Parts Breakdown  + +& +%378 Labels Parts Breakdown378-1 379 382 381 380 3838VWcZiBV`Zg TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcYTTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZgEaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! HZcYVgooan8ViVad\idVgZcY 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY