Grizzly G0555LX owner manual Blade Lead, GZi\iZciZZmcjihaddhZcZYc #, To correct blade lead

Page 52

3. Jh^c\ V l]^iZ XgVndc dg di]Zg a^\]i Xdadg bVg`Zg! bVg` i]Z jeeZg VcY adlZg l]ZZah id^cY^XViZi]ZbZVhjg^c\adXVi^dch!Vh^aajh" igViZY^cFigure72#


6& 7&

6'7' AdlZgL]ZZa

Figure 72.:mVbeaZd[bVg`^c\jeeZgVcYadlZg l]ZZah[dgXdch^hiZcibZVhjgZbZcih#

Note: Marking the wheels ensures more accurate results in case there are irregularities in the wheels.

4. Jh^c\VhigV^\]iZY\Z!X]ZX`i]Zl]ZZahVii]Z 6VcY7adXVi^dchhZZFigure 72#

5. Jh^c\i]Z&%bblgZcX]!addhZci]Z]Zmcjih dci]ZgZVgVY_jhibZcihZihXgZlh#

6. Jh^c\ i]Z (bb ]Zm lgZcX]! VY_jhi i]Z hZi hXgZlhjci^ai]ZjeeZgl]ZZa^hXdeaVcVgl^i] i]ZadlZgl]ZZa!hZZFigure73#





Figure 73.7Z[dgZVcYV[iZgaViZgVal]ZZa Va^\cbZcik^ZlZY[gdbVWdkZ#

7.GZ"i^\]iZci]Z]ZmcjihaddhZcZY^cStep 6#


Blade Lead

7VcYhVlWaVYZhbVnlVcYZgd[[i]ZXjia^cZl]Zc hVl^c\! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 74# I]^h ^h XVaaZY WaVYZaZVY#

7aVYZ aZVY ^h jhjVaan XVjhZY Wn idd [Vhi d[ V [ZZY gViZ! V Yjaa dg VWjhZY WaVYZ! dg ^begdeZg WaVYZiZch^dc#>[ndjgWaVYZ^hh]Vge$jcYVbV\ZY! egdeZganiZch^dcZY!VcYndjhi^aa]VkZWaVYZaZVY! eZg[dgbi]Z[daadl^c\egdXZYjgZh#

Figure 74.:mVbeaZd[WaVYZaZVY#

To correct blade lead:

1. BV`Z hjgZ i]Z WaVYZ ^h egdeZgan iZch^dcZY VcYi]ZWaVYZ\j^YZhVgZVY_jhiZYXdggZXian#

2. JhZaZhhegZhhjgZl]Zc[ZZY^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZ i]gdj\]i]ZXji#

3. BV`ZhjgZi]Zb^iZghadiVcY[ZcXZVgZeVgVa"

aZaidi]ZWaVYZa^cZhZZi]ZAligning Table

VcYAligning FenceegdXZYjgZh^ci]^hbVc"


4. EZg[dgbViZhiXjil^i]i]ZWVcYhVl#

>[i]ZgZ^hhi^aaWaVYZaZVYegZhZci!XdbeZc" hViZ[dgi]^hXdcY^i^dcWnh`Zl^c\i]Z[ZcXZ dg h]^[i^c\ i]Z iVWaZ! Vh ^chigjXiZY ^c i]Z [daadl^c\egdXZYjgZh#


Image 52
Contents Model G0555LX Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Introduction Manual Accuracy Contact InfoMachine Description NdjgBVXcZIdentification Heec\9bZchdch 8Vgidc 8jiic\8VeVXiZh Safety Safety Instructions for MachineryMental Alertness REQUIRED. jaabZciVa VaXdda!lZcigZY!dglZcYhigVXiZY#Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZeXaYgZcVcY Additional Safety for Bandsaws Power Supply AvailabilityFull-Load Current Rating Circuit InformationGrounding Requirements IneXVa*&*eaj\VcYgZXZeiVXaZ#Extension Cords Voltage ConversionSET UP Set Up Safety Needed for SetupUnpacking Description QtyInventory Inventory see Figure QtyBasic steps for removing rust preventative Cleanup EjidchVZin\aVhhZh# Site Considerations Assembly JeeZg HiVcY7gVXZ AdlZg HiVcYHYZAZkZac\iZhiVcY# AMB\#HcXZ%&$& IgjccdcGZVgZcXZ GVa WVhZ#GdciZcXZ GVa Adjustment procedures include Adjustment OverviewGVaEVY Blade Tracking 7aVYZ8ZciZgZY DcEZV`d8gdlc 7aVYZ LZZa 8ZciZgZY DcLZZa8deaVcVg7ji CdiEVgVaaZaTo center track the blade IZchdcZYdg ¿-7aVYZ AZkZg XZciZgdiZlZZa#WaVYZ#  DeZciZjeeZglZZaXdkZg# Power Connection Connecting PowerDisconnecting Power Dust CollectionTest Run Tensioning BladeTo test run the machine  IjgciZbVXcZOFF#Deflection Method Flutter MethodTo tension the bandsaw blade To adjust the support bearings Adjusting Blade Support BearingsTool NeededQty Adjusting Blade Guide Bearings To adjust the upper and lower blade guidesTable Tilt Calibration EdhikZ Hide7dai ?VbCjiTools NeededQty To set the positive stop so the table is 90˚ to the bladeAligning Table ?VbCji HfjVgZ IVWaZ EdhikZ Hide\VchiiZXVhic\idhZXjgZiZhZiic\# IaiHXVaZ EdciZgTo align the fence parallel with the miter slot Aligning Fence8VeHXgZlh Operation Overview Operations HidehiZWVcYhVl# Disabling & Locking Switch Straight CutsIrregular Cuts Basic Cutting TipsTo adjust the height of the guide post Workpiece InspectionGuide Post Before cutting, inspect all workpieces for the followingTable Tilt Blade Speed To tilt the tableTools Needed Qty To change the blade speedBlade Dimensions Blade InformationBlade Length Blade WidthTooth Style Tooth PitchBlade Care Blade BreakageMost common causes of blade breakage are Changing BladeIVWaZchZgi IVWaZEc Trackingdc Page 19# RippingTo make a rip cut CrosscuttingResawing To make a crosscutTo complete a stacked cut Cutting Curves Stacked Cuts 6a\ciZldg`eZXZhgdbideidWdiidb# Accessories Grizzly Bandsaw BladesT20388-Success With Bandsaws T25555-6 Extension Block KitBdYZa%,&% BdYZa&&+ Timberwolf 931⁄2 Bandsaw BladesH7587-Re-Saw Fence Retrofit Kit T23376-Universal Mobile Base Basic Eye ProtectionG8984-Single Roller Stand G8985-5 Roller Stand Maintenance CleaningSchedule LubricatingService TroubleshootingMotor & Electrical Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcCutting Operations MiscellaneousBelt Tension Tensioning V-BeltChecking V-Belt Tension To properly tension the V-belt Replacing V-Belt Shimming Table To replace the V-belt  #Wheel Alignment Checking Wheel AlignmentUpper Wheel Lateral Adjustment To adjust the upper wheel laterallyShimming a Wheel To shim a wheelBlade Lead GZi\iZciZZmcjihaddhZcZYc #To correct blade lead  BV`ZhjgZiZbiZghadiVcYZcXZVgZeVgVaFence Scale Calibration To skew your fenceTo shift the table To calibrate the scaleTo reset the blade tensioner Blade TensionerJeeZg IZchdcZgWiring Wiring Safety InstructionsShock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc XdbedcZcih#Electrical Locations %***AMDC$DhliX# HliX Bdidg110V Prewired Wiring Diagram 220V Rewired Wiring Diagram Parts MainMain Parts List DescriptionPinion Shaft Table, Fence, & Stand Table, Fence & Guides Parts List Female Knob 3/8-16Labels 10. 8dbbZcih EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY